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Really Need Some Advice - Lump On Neck

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
Thetford, Norfolk
hi all

I found a lump on the neck of my 8 year old piggy Pancake a few weeks ago. I took her to the vet and they said it was an abcyss and we could operate however given her age and the fact she is still completely normal, we decided to see how it goes.

last night we noticed the lump was much bigger and this morning I got a phone call from the OH to say it had popped. He squeezed it and loads of puss came out and she nuzzled him to do it again. he didn't force it at all as it began to stop.

I have just received a call back from the vets to say they will prescribe some sanitising scrub and to keep cleaning it.

the biggest problem is, we are supposed to be going from Norfolk, back home to Devon tomorrow for Christmas. she, along with her buddy dexter are booked in to a GP sitter but my boss (who has piggies) has offered to look after her... am I awful for leaving them with someone else? I am considering going back home on sunday instead so I can monitor her for a day or two.

she is still eating and is now in a box with some clean towels until I get home

just need some advice, what would everyone do? have anyone experienced this before?

Thanks xx
Do you know if the vet is prescribing any antibiotics?
Ahh they always know when to time it!
I don't have any experience with abscesses but I think if it were me I'd like to stay a few extra days just to make sure she is ok/start getting antibiotics into her but then after that I'd feel happy leaving them in the hands of someone experienced whilst I was away if I felt her condition was stable.

Pancake is a fab old age, it doesn't sound like the ordeal has bothered her much either - and I'm sure shes much more comfortable now the abscess has burst and the pressure released.
I have spoken to the GP sitter to see what her thoughts were and she made my day when she knew exactly what I was talking about and how I was feeling

no antibiotics, just hibi scrub... seems odd so I will call the vets again to check but they don't seem worried, neither does the sitter (she is a small animal boarder) and nor does my OH. its just me freaking out!

apparently she is rummaging around the in box, loving the towels! xx
Some vets don't prescribe them but a lot do and the most effective for abcesses is usually Zithromax. It is also important to keep the wound open and flush is regularly so it heals from the inside out.
I would just make sure to leave her with someone who is not squeamish and who is willing to irrigate the wound and squeeze out any pus that may accumulate. It's gross, but it needs to be done so the wound will heal from the inside out. For what it's worth, since abscesses do take a long time to heal sometimes, I have left a pig with a draining abscess with my mom before, with instructions on how to administer the antibiotics and how to clean the wound. It worked out fine, although I was anxious leaving her. If you're really concerned, is there any way to take her with you if you would rather keep on top of it yourself? We take our pigs back and forth the cottage all summer, and they have always traveled well, though obviously depending on where you are staying it may not be possible to take them along.
I did consider taking them home but its a 6 hour drive each way and that seems more cruel than to leave them with someone who will ensure they are cared for.
thanks for the advice on the pus removal. I just hope she fully recovers from this. as I said above, we decided against surgery due to her ages and the fact they wanted £350 which to me is far too much to pay on an otherwise healthy and happy little old lady!

Please ask for a very strong antibiotic like zithromax. Baytril is likely not strong enough to cut through the abscess.

You need to scrub off the scab every day with a cotton bud (no fun for the piggy or you) to make sure that all the pus comes out and then disinfect. Abscesses need to heal from the inside out or they blow up again if even a bit is left in one of the pockets. :(
Hi everyone thank you all for the help and advice. After speaking to the pig sitter we decided to put them in to her care for the Christmas period as we didn't want to subject them to a 6 hour drive each way to and from plymouth.

Sharon has been amazing, she has had experience of looking after animals with similar conditions so I felt perfectly fine leaving pancake with her. She has been texting me every day with a progress update and pancake is doing great. I spoke to the vets again who said they will perscribe antibiotics if the "hole" doesn't seem to be healing however, touch wood, all is looking good.

We cleaned the wound before taking her to the sitter on Friday and she was such a trooper! A few squeaks but she was great. She did try and run away a few times but I figured that was a good sign, she was acting normally especially for an 8 year old piggie!

Thanks again everyone and merry Xmas xx
It might be worth discussing the possibility of Cervical Lympadenitis (CL) with your vet, I have just lost two guinea pigs to this as I did not realise that it was so infectious. Toffee died under aneasthetic having the abscess removed and Ripple failed to fight the infection and was obviously very poorly so was put to sleep this morning. If I had known how infectious it was Ripple might still be here :(
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