Really Need Help... Queso Is Afraid Of Everything

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 13, 2016
Reaction score
I posted that he's been chattering his teeth at objects in his cage. Now it seems like he can't see items in his cage and he gets frighted even by his food bowls. He won't eat unless I move the food bowl up to him, otherwise he is too scared of it.

Today he sat all day in one place and we had to give him a bath because he smelled so bad from the urine. Is he sick?

One person said he was establishing dominance but I don't think this is the case.
That doesn't sound good :no: if he's not moved all day I'd get him seen by a vet. He could be in pain or could be ill..

Is he still pooping and peeing ok?
Do his eyes look alright?
Has he lost any weight recently?

I think if you are concerned (and remember you know your boy best) then I would take him to a vet to be checked over.
Please have him seen by a vet today- this has nothing to do with dominance.

You know him best, and he doesnt seem right, so have him see a vet.

If you are ever in doubt with a piggy being ill, its best to er on the side of caution. Something is bothering him, but i dont think it can be assumed this is behavioural without first ruling out any illnesses.

All the best for Queso, please keep us updated x

Edit: sorry for the double post- the last one didn't show up at first!
As Adelle and Swissgreys have said, you know your pig best and if he is not acting as he normally does I would get him checked by a vet, could be a pain response or something neurological even.
If only they could talk! Guinea pigs are pretty good at hiding illness until the last minute, so sounds like your piggy needs to be seen by the vet as soon as you are able. Hope it is nothing serious x

Is he still pooping and peeing ok?
Do his eyes look alright?
Has he lost any weight recently?

I think if you are concerned (and remember you know your boy best) then I would take him to a vet to be checked over.

He is pooping and peeing a lot. He is eating a lot, though I have to move the food closer to him. He's acting like he's never been in the cage before. This started happening when there was a thunder storm, now he's acting afraid of everything. I'm wondering if he got spooked. We really don't have the money to go to a vet and it's breaking my heart. But, he has no crusty eyes, no sneezes/coughs, no blood in urine, and he's eating.

He doesn't seem to be in pain. I try to move him from the spots he squats in and he doesn't move, but if I make a little more noise he will scurry off around the cage. We got him out and gave him a bath last night and had him on the floor, he seemed fine besides being scared. It mostly seems like he's really afraid of his cage. He wouldn't go into his wooden hidey hole last night so I put in his fleece sleeve, which he loves. I think he's been in it all night, but that is normal behavior when I put it in because he loves it so much.
It sounds to me (and I am no expert) like he has gone blind and is purely going by smell. A others have said, you should get him seen by a Vet pronto. Your Vet might agree to a payment plan if you ask. If you don't have to money for Vet treatment, you should not have got a guinea pig.
It sounds to me (and I am no expert) like he has gone blind and is purely going by smell. A others have said, you should get him seen by a Vet pronto. Your Vet might agree to a payment plan if you ask. If you don't have to money for Vet treatment, you should not have got a guinea pig.

It almost looks like he has, as he is not reacting to things like he usually does at all. There is no change to anything we've been doing and he's relatively young, he eats well and we clean up after him. And his eyes are perfectly fine, no whites, leaking, or dryness.

Edit: He does seem to see me standing behind him or get freaked out if my husband enters the room and scurries off. Yesterday he was doing the exact opposite and just standing in one place.
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Edit: Sorry for double post. He's responding to me moving my hand without making any noises, his eyes will look at it.
We cleaned and rearranged his cage. He didn't move much today, but once I moved things around and put a trail of veggies around his cage, he became the brave piggie I know him to be. And he finally wheeked for his veggies, which he hasn't done in two days. I think he got super spooked from the thunder storm and it freaked him out. But, with love and attention he seems to be back to normal...? Hopefully. Will give more updates. Oh, also I've been playing his lullabies that I play when he goes to bed, it seems to soothe him.
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