Really Need Advice :-s

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 21, 2014
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Ok so as some know I currently have 3 Lil pigs lol a pair and a single well I am looking to find a new.friend for my little special needs guy and we'll my daughter has fallen in love with a Lil ginger pig at our local and my.heart is bleeding for the Lil guy on.his own no hay tiny pen :-( he has been there for over 2 wks now and I have been good and not got him,went in today he is still there! My question is could I take him on and put him in with my other little guy? He is apparently around 15 wks old or do you think it would be a disaster? I know this is a site that prefers rescues but it's.killing me seeing.him in there now. I what's best for my other boy tho so please help! Xx
If you chose to get the piggy you will have to quarantine him for two weeks. My concern is, what if he and your lone piggy do not like each other? If you can accept that and house them apart then you could get the guinea pig you saw. On the other hand by taking him to a rescue and going boar dating you can be certain of them getting on and having a healthy piggy. Do you know how to sex guinea pigs as you need to be certain of this little ones gender?
Thank you for the advice I do know how to sex them.yes. I think the best not to let my heart rule my head,I was looking into boar dating before we saw this little guy x
My issue is that your other boy is a special needs guy? In that case, I would really think twice about what you do if things don't work out with a youngster who is bound to hit the big hormones anytime in the next few weeks, especially as you are looking at a 2 weeks quarantine re. ringworm/URI. You may find that in his case, dating at one of our recommended rescues under expert supervision for a suitable companion for your special needs boy is the much safer option!

If you really can't walk away, better think about finding a different character compatible boarmate for this little guy if necessary or to have him neutered to live with your sows. The second option involves waiting a few weeks until the little one is old enough for neutering (between 4-6 months) as well as a full 6 weeks post op wait until he is 100% safe to go with sows. You will also have to find an experienced vet with a good record in piggy neutering in order to minimise the risks of especially post op complications.

Please think things through and be honest that you have a plan B before you let your heart rule, as hard as it is!
Thank you, for the advice, I have alot to think about, feel better now I have posted this and had other people's opinions :-) will keep you posted on what I decide x
Hi everyone,as I promised here's the update well today is my daughter's 7th birthday,and he was STILL there! So my heart ruled my head and I have taken him on,he is in quarantine away from the other boys atm and looks like I now have 2 boars to now go boar dating lol feel better now he is out of there I must admit,the shop said he had.been in there for 6 wks :-( and.they were getting worried about what to do with him,as no one wanted.him, anyway he is and.has access to fresh hay and good food and veg :-) in his nice brand new hutch :-) xx
Thank you for the update, will keep checking in to see how things go. Does he have a name?
Thank you,yes he is called ginger snap ha ha will put up a pic shortly and you can see why she called him that lol x
Ok i know this is a really old post but thought i would update everyone, ginger snap was in fact a girl after giving her a once over and gave birth to 4 healthy lil pigs 11 days ago ! X

Please open a thread in our pregnancy section, where we have got advice on baby care and the appropriate diet for mum etc. as well as offering a sexing service.

You will have to separate any male pups at 3 weeks old/ca. 250g of weight to make sure that there are no further pregnancies/inbreeding. I assume that mum has been living separate from any boars?
Yes mum is living seprate and i will be separating the 3 boys at three wks, i have just posted a thread in that section , thank you for the heads up :)
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