Really Loud Squeaking? Worried, Help!

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New Born Pup
Apr 12, 2017
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So my guinea pig that I've had for a while just moved into my room. I had him living outside with my bunny, but my bunny passed (rip Cookie I miss you so much baby ), so I moved him in here because I was afraid he'd get lonely. It's only been two days. I've been taking him out and holding him a whole lot, assuming he would need some company. Loving being pet and scrubed, Elvis is totally fine with this. But one day he started doing this really loud wheeking noise. It wasn't accompanied by his "I'm hungry" noise or anything it was really loud, really sudden squealing. Then he peed. I'm assuming something scared him? I don't know what, because I was sitting in a quiet room with my family and nothing changed that would trigger his sudden squealing. A few mins ago, he did it again, and once again, nothing had changed within the past few seconds. This time he was in his cage. His food bowl was full and so was his water. I'm really worried about him. Can someone please explain this to me?!
Hello and welcome to the Forum.

How old is Elvis (love the name btw)?
It sounds like he might be squealing when he pees?
This could be a sign of a urinary problem, and he will need to see a vet to have his urine checked.
Hey, thanks! Elvis is a little over a year old. If it's a urinary problem, would that mean that he squeals like that every time he pees? If that's the case then I don't think that's it because he's peed before with no problem.
Hello and welcome to the Forum.

How old is Elvis (love the name btw)?
It sounds like he might be squealing when he pees?
This could be a sign of a urinary problem, and he will need to see a vet to have his urine checked.
Hey, thanks! Elvis is a little over a year old. If it's a urinary problem, would that mean that he squeals like that every time he pees? If that's the case then I don't think that's it because he's peed before with no problem. As a side note, I set a picture of him on my profile pic. His name is Elvis because thats what they called him at the pet store and I decided to keep it lol. He's got the attitude and everything! :D
I'd recommend trying to catch him when he's doing it and seeing what he's doing at the same time.

If it's when he's peeing or pooping then it's a sign of a urinary issue and needs the vet.

If he's standing in the cage looking around, or standing up then it could be a shout for food
I'd recommend trying to catch him when he's doing it and seeing what he's doing at the same time.

If it's when he's peeing or pooping then it's a sign of a urinary issue and needs the vet.

If he's standing in the cage looking around, or standing up then it could be a shout for food
Thanks, I'll try that. And by the way, your piggy is SO CUTE! What's his/her name?
I was wondering about pain on urinating too. If you suspect pain it would be worth getting him checked out at the vets, and meanwhile monitoring him to see if you can detect a pattern in his behaviour, so that you may be armed with more information when you get to the vets.

I hope he's OK.

He also may be grieving for his lost friend. It could be that if the vet gives your piggy the OK he may appreciate a new companion, but please make this another piggy, not a rabbit.
I know they can get on, but some rabbits bully guinea pigs, some rabbits carry diseases that don't affect the rabbit itself but are fatal to pigs, and there have been MANY injuries from friendly bunnies who have accidently kicked their guinea pig companion when they've been spooked by something.
That's not to have a go at you or be judgemental, it's just that over the years people have discovered that it can be very bad news for guinea pigs who have been kept with rabbits, and the RSPCA, rescues and even most pet shops do not recommend this anymore.
Thanks, I'll try that. And by the way, your piggy is SO CUTE! What's his/her name?

Thank you! His name was Anselmo but we nicknamed him Moo. He was such a funny boy, very outspoken and liked to put us in our place. His stripe was orange, so he looked a bit like a bee, and so he was called Moobee sometimes.

I hope your piggy is okay, and the sounds are just from finding his own space and getting comfortable in his new surroundings. Please don't hesitate to pop back on with any updates or questions!
I was wondering about pain on urinating too. If you suspect pain it would be worth getting him checked out at the vets, and meanwhile monitoring him to see if you can detect a pattern in his behaviour, so that you may be armed with more information when you get to the vets.

I hope he's OK.

He also may be grieving for his lost friend. It could be that if the vet gives your piggy the OK he may appreciate a new companion, but please make this another piggy, not a rabbit.
I know they can get on, but some rabbits bully guinea pigs, some rabbits carry diseases that don't affect the rabbit itself but are fatal to pigs, and there have been MANY injuries from friendly bunnies who have accidently kicked their guinea pig companion when they've been spooked by something.
That's not to have a go at you or be judgemental, it's just that over the years people have discovered that it can be very bad news for guinea pigs who have been kept with rabbits, and the RSPCA, rescues and even most pet shops do not recommend this anymore.
Thank you for your concern! I had Cookie for three years, and my local pet store kept piggies and bunnies in the same cage so I figured it would be okay. Also knowing that Cookie was an extremely chill rabbit and it took a lot to scare him. I held them in separate cages for a few days to make sure that they would get along, and monitor the first hour that I do put them in the same cage. Cookie got along with every breathing soul I mean literally he wasn't even afraid of our dog that was intent on eating him. He was a very good pet. I'd have to say that I am experienced with pigs. I've had two and my aunt and uncle who shared a house with us also had a couple. I've just never experienced this behaviour before. Thank you so much.
It sounded like a beautiful friendship, and no-one is judging you for doing this, but I thought I'd mention, just in case you thought about another bunny for him, that there's quite a chance of it not working out well again, for various reasons.
I'm actually shocked that a pet shop kept them together as recently as three years ago. Had the RSPCA known I think they may have had words with this shop!

Anyhow, as it was a good friendship between the two it could be that he is missing his companion. Cookie sounds like he was a real sweetheart. Sometimes they (pigs) do call out for lost friends when they don't understand that their companion has died. But a vet visit may be good as a precaution. Please also monitor his wee for any signs of blood or calcium sludge.

I also had a piggy who temporarily had to live on her own who cried out loudly every time she was spooked, and calmed down when I went to her. A loud noise, for example, wouldn't send her scuttling off or into freeze mode, she would cry out loudly for help instead.

Also two that I had from babies cried out for companions. One when I was bringing her home (she started crying out loudly, I assume for her family). Another after bringing her home she got herself separated from her companions and cried out, in what I assume was distress. Two of the adults rushed to her, found she was perfectly fine and pootled off again! :)
It sounded like a beautiful friendship, and no-one is judging you for doing this, but I thought I'd mention, just in case you thought about another bunny for him, that there's quite a chance of it not working out well again, for various reasons.
I'm actually shocked that a pet shop kept them together as recently as three years ago. Had the RSPCA known I think they may have had words with this shop!

Anyhow, as it was a good friendship between the two it could be that he is missing his companion. Cookie sounds like he was a real sweetheart. Sometimes they (pigs) do call out for lost friends when they don't understand that their companion has died. But a vet visit may be good as a precaution. Please also monitor his wee for any signs of blood or calcium sludge.

I also had a piggy who temporarily had to live on her own who cried out loudly every time she was spooked, and calmed down when I went to her. A loud noise, for example, wouldn't send her scuttling off or into freeze mode, she would cry out loudly for help instead.

Also two that I had from babies cried out for companions. One when I was bringing her home (she started crying out loudly, I assume for her family). Another after bringing her home she got herself separated from her companions and cried out, in what I assume was distress. Two of the adults rushed to her, found she was perfectly fine and pootled off again! :)
Lol yeah I don't plan on getting another Bunny. Cookie was the best pet I've ever had, and it's only been a few days since his death. It would've been almost unbearable if I didn't have Elvis. He kept me distracted for a while that day, and it really helps just to have a buddy in general. It's possible that Elvis is missing Cookie, because they've been good friends since day 1, always snuggling and playing with eachother. I hope it's just him missing Cookie and not a medical condition. I would break down if I discover he's sick.
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