Weighed my girl at 1548 tonight. That's like 3 pounds. I've cooked smaller chickens... How do I help her trim down? I weighed her veggies and know it's too much but it's veggies they can't possibly be fattening....
Hi and welcome
A guinea pig diet can indeed be very fattening; including veg. Carrot for instance is like feeding a bar of chocolate to your guinea pig, as is regular overfeeding of pellets - that is like a diet based on chips.
What sadly many owners are not aware of is the fact that over three quarters of the daily food intake should be hay. Veg and pellets
together only replace the supplementary role of wild green forage with very few small roots or fruits. Pellets are mainly calorific fillers with precious little fibre in them when you have a closer look at the ingredients. The more you take away from them eating hay, the more life-shortening a diet you give them; it can easily make a difference of 1-2 years or even more in extreme cases.
Please firstly check whether your girl is indeed overweight for her size. You feel that around the ribcage. If cannot feel the ribs at all, your piggy is definitely overweight.
Our weight guide tells you exactly how you check whether your piggy is a good weight for their individual size (chapter 3: checking for the heft/BMI) but it also has plenty of practical advice on what you can do for an overweight piggy. Please take the time to carefully read through the guide since we cannot explain it all in detail in every single post - and it is the little details that you will find most helpful.
Here is the link to our Weight guide:
Weight - Monitoring and Management
The other guide that you will find very helpful is our diet guide. It looks at all food groups as a whole but also in practical detail. Please reduce the pellets to 1 tablespoon per piggy per day and also reduce the range (preferably green) of veg and the amount of pellets you feed. Instead of giving treats turn feeding time into enrichment time and make your girl walk and work for her food and come to you over a distance for every single pellet you give her. Exercise is important but fat adult piggies are usually couch potatoes, so it is up to you to get them moving for regular stimulation of the digestive tract.
This is our diet guide link:
Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
We also have lots more helpful tips and practical information on a very wide range of topics via this link here, which you may want to bookmark, browse, read and re-read at need:
Comprehensive Owners' Practical and Supportive Information Collection