readigrass ?

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Apr 2, 2010
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north lincolnshire
At the minute we are without a car, so unfortunatly I am unable to buy hay from my usual source.
There is a small garden center near by that sells top quality pet food. Unfortunalty, the bags of meadow hay and farm hay bales are not of a quality that i would want to feed to my rabbits and guineas. They do however sell lovely bags of readigrass, I was just wandering if it would be ok to feed this to my pigs as their main hay intake for the next couple of weeks untill our car has been repaired.
I have heard that readi grass is high in calcium, and from what I gather too much calcium is not good for guineas pigs.
So my question is..... can i feed unlimited readigrass to my guineas for a couple of week untill my car is road worthy again ?
There's a cheaper version called Graze on.. try a horse feed merchant, as they may stock it or the latter.. it's £6.50 for a large bag (Think its 15kg), and will last months X
apparently its quite high in calcium? And it stinks ... I fed my horse it over the winter as we had to keep them in ... its high in sugars as well I think :red
Maybe you could give them some of the hay, even if it's not great quality, and give them lots of readigrass, so they have a choice?
apparently its quite high in calcium? And it stinks ... I fed my horse it over the winter as we had to keep them in ... its high in sugars as well I think :red

I love the smell of readigrass, I think it smells gawjus.x)

CiaraPatricia Maybe you could give them some of the hay, even if it's not great quality, and give them lots of readigrass, so they have a choice?

Unfortunately snowball and lucas are quite selective when it comes to eating hay. They are fussy lil devils and will only eat green hay. Any brown bits get left at the bottom of their hay tray.rolleyes

BonBon2010 There's a cheaper version called Graze on.. try a horse feed merchant, as they may stock it or the latter.. it's £6.50 for a large bag (Think its 15kg), and will last months X

Is this "Graze on" in a big whit bag with green writing on ?
If so I think I know what you mean.:)
Is this "Graze on" in a big whit bag with green writing on ?
If so I think I know what you mean.:)

Yep it is, and it's about half the price of readi grass, I give it as a feed bulker to my two horses..It makes me feel hungry when I mix it with a bit of water.. :))
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