Re not sure if to split my 2 boars up or not

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skiddy sj

hi am still carriyng on as head rearing seems 2 have settled still abit of teeth chattering going on but also a bit of purring which is good isn't it.The Young 1 is also mounting gizmo a lot i believe this could go on 4 some taking it slowly but still bit stressed bout it. Am thinking of getting a bigger cage so if worst comes to worst I can split it with partition but only place to keep it is under a window could this be aproblem.Other than that they may have to go outside which I don't really want as have always kept others in house. skiddy sj
Teeth chattering and purring, also mounting is normal boar behaviour. They may eventually settle down. It's nothing to split them up for though.
A big cage you can split down the middle would be ideal. They could be fine under the window, as long as there are no drafts in the winter, but I don't see why you could't keep them there
am feeling abit more confident 2day as they have been much quieter and have decided 2 buy a bigger cage as they seem 2 like having the space in the run and have realised that although I was told the cage I have was big enough 4 2 boars it isn't really!
Mounting and purring are normal when two male pigs are put together...When we first got our two boars, I was a little bit surprised at their behaviour but they have really settled down now. Copernicus is still naughty sometimes and likes to mount Eddie but it never turns into a fight. Everytime Eddie is out of the pen, Copernicus misses him! I think they just need a bit of time but if you notice any scratches or blood that's been drawn then definitely seperate them!
Hopefully things will settle down .... give them plenty to do in their hutch and/or run to keep them occupied. And as eddieiscool said above, keep an eye on them for scratches or injury. In my experience, keep a particular eye on the back of the neck and top of the back, which is a favourite spot for them being bitten and which, in long-haired piggies, can go unnoticed for a little while.

Keep us posted to how things go.
still keeping close eye on them but hopefully things seem to be settling down really well. I'v put 2 of evrything in cage and a few tunnel etc to keep them occupied and they are sitting together .Not tried them in cage yet but it will be anew cage so neutrel territory. We have them out together regularly so I can check them over for bites.I'm now much more optimistic they'l be friends.I'l keep tou posted!
unfortunately things have taken a bad turn gizmo and jamie(the young new addition)have had to be split up due to fighting. They did seem to be settling down but on fri they were put in run I kept checking them and they were fine but as soon as they were brought inside and put in cage the younger 1 started trouble.Previously gizmo had largely put up with this but ths time he fought back,after a squirt of water things calmed a bit and I kept an eye on them with only me in room 2 try to keep them calm and they settled but as soon as children came into room and it became noisy they started again. At this point I decided to split them into different cages.Not sure where 2 go from here, at the moment their cages aren't side by side but have been putting them 2gether in a morning 4 awhile and they sniff each other through bars . Does any1 think it would be possible to try them 2gether at a later date,if so am I doing the right thing putting their cages 2gether or should I leave them away from each other totally 4 a while and start from scratch?:(
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