Re-introducing Smudge

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Teenage Guinea Pig
May 5, 2015
Reaction score
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Hi guys, I'll explain properly about Smudge in just a minute but wanted to post this first-

She's back in with the others, been outside of the hutch just fine; all gotten along fine. Inside the hutch, just as a feared, Holly and Smudge are re-settling the dominance order.

Lots of teeth chattering and they've gone for eachother one, but Holly ran off. Anyway, should I keep this up? Sat outside observing them for the time being. They didn't bite each other at all, just simply Smydge moved forward and then Holly ran. They're back teeth chattering as I type.

Keeping close by in case a fight breaks, but just wanted to know if this is okay and normal and if I should keep this up? Bramble is staying well out of the way.
Hi guys, I'll explain properly about Smudge in just a minute but wanted to post this first-

She's back in with the others, been outside of the hutch just fine; all gotten along fine. Inside the hutch, just as a feared, Holly and Smudge are re-settling the dominance order.

Lots of teeth chattering and they've gone for eachother one, but Holly ran off. Anyway, should I keep this up? Sat outside observing them for the time being. They didn't bite each other at all, just simply Smydge moved forward and then Holly ran. They're back teeth chattering as I type.

Keeping close by in case a fight breaks, but just wanted to know if this is okay and normal and if I should keep this up? Bramble is staying well out of the way.

I would let them go on and see whether they can settle it. It may take a few rounds with abreak in between. In the longer run, you have to see whether Holly is going to accept coming second or whether she keeps pushing it.
You may find it helpful what I have written about the bonding in between Hafren and Iola, my two dominant sows, in this link.
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
I would let them go on and see whether they can settle it. It may take a few rounds with abreak in between. In the longer run, you have to see whether Holly is going to accept coming second or whether she keeps pushing it.
You may find it helpful what I have written about the bonding in between Hafren and Iola, my two dominant sows, in this link.
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics

I left them for as long as I could - but they're gone for each other several times, and Holly threw herself across the hutch to go for Smudge, so separated them again for the night - wasn't happy keeping them together.

I'll put them back out for re-bonding tomorrow on neutral ground again and scrub the hutch out completely, it could do with a clean anyway, and then put them back in all together when I have more light. I know they get on just fine so I'm happy to keep trying. Just didn't want to risk it!
I left them for as long as I could - but they're gone for each other several times, and Holly threw herself across the hutch to go for Smudge, so separated them again for the night - wasn't happy keeping them together.

I'll put them back out for re-bonding tomorrow on neutral ground again and scrub the hutch out completely, it could do with a clean anyway, and then put them back in all together when I have more light. I know they get on just fine so I'm happy to keep trying. Just didn't want to risk it!

You have to see. If tensions and aggression are just as high tomorrow and neither sow is willing to give in, then you will have to accept that they won't go back together. Once an undersow has had the experience of being the leader, she rarely wants to step down again.

I have just had to split my four peru sows for that reason after the previous iron-fisted lady stepped down and none of the others would back off in their bid for leadership. :(
If they won't go back together, then it won't be the end of the world - Smudge seems to be fine alone, but I will be really sad to see that happen! As the whole point of getting Holly and Bramble in the first place was to have company for Smudge. I was wondering if I could maybe swap it over - Smudge and Bramble get on much better together and Holly just bullies Bramble but then I don't want Holly alone either. Grr!

Hopefully it won't come to that and it'll all sort itself out after a hutch scrub and a few tries. Worst come the worst, Smudge stays separate and I can build a lovely indoor pen for her and then get them all out for regular playtime as that seems fine.
Trying again to re-bound them and having trouble. Started out fine, Smudge and Holly staying well away from one another. Then came the chattering and Smudge did lunge towards Holly once before Holly backed off and returned to teeth chattering. Seemed to have simmered down a little now but still not leaving them alone while this plays out.

Busy scrubbing out the hutch and all he accessories in the meantime and if by the time I've done that there's still no incident I'll throw them all in and hope for the best. Any tips of where to o from here or just keep going?
Trying again to re-bound them and having trouble. Started out fine, Smudge and Holly staying well away from one another. Then came the chattering and Smudge did lunge towards Holly once before Holly backed off and returned to teeth chattering. Seemed to have simmered down a little now but still not leaving them alone while this plays out.

Busy scrubbing out the hutch and all he accessories in the meantime and if by the time I've done that there's still no incident I'll throw them all in and hope for the best. Any tips of where to o from here or just keep going?

I am sorry; it is always gutting when piggies have verymuch got their own mind, especially older sows!

If I were you, I would consider letting Bramble choose who she wants to live with, so you know that you have got at least two happy pigs if you can't have them all happy together! Introduce her to Smudge one of these days and then offer the chance to go back to Holly after 3-4 days. If she just says hello through the grids, you know she is happy with Smudge; if she is rattling and gnawing the bars in order to get back, then you know that she really wants to be with Holly. That is what I do with piggies I suspect of being bullied or not quite happy in their current setting.
I don't have to! It worked!

It was a little tense for quite a while before it suddenly stopped. Waited around for about an hour or so, Smudge and Holly started to interact and share the grass pile with little to no chattering.

Placed them all inside the hutch and sat outside observing while hastily doing some coursework and lo and behold, nothing! A little amount of teeth chattering but nowhere near the amount of tension I had last night.

I'll keep watching for another hour or so but it seems to be going well!
I don't have to! It worked!

It was a little tense for quite a while before it suddenly stopped. Waited around for about an hour or so, Smudge and Holly started to interact and share the grass pile with little to no chattering.

Placed them all inside the hutch and sat outside observing while hastily doing some coursework and lo and behold, nothing! A little amount of teeth chattering but nowhere near the amount of tension I had last night.

I'll keep watching for another hour or so but it seems to be going well!

That is great news! They have obviously worked out the order of things between them again.
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