Re- Introducing My Piggies

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hampshire, UK
Well, after a very fraught afternoon when we thought we had a boy and a girl rather than two girls, we are now absolutely certain we have two boys.

So, they are no longer Romana and Nyssa but Adric and Fitz.

Here they are- yes there are two guinea pigs there- in their hay pile. Adric and Fitz.image.webp
Hooray! I hope you can now get on with enjoying your two little boars now :) Shocking that they got both of them wrong, but glad that they are both the same :)
I bet they're loving all that hay x
Absolutely shocking! I have texted the lady politely explaining what has happened and I have not yet had a reply...

It was her first litter but she said she knew what she was doing. However, if I could find a penis, then she could have too! I hate to think what has happened to the others in the litter and the mum, who may well be pregnant again.
Yes.... You bought them at six weeks old if my memory serves me well, so it's possible that the sows in the group may have been 'caught'. Oh dear, I know I wouldn't be able to sex them either, but I hope the breeder improves her skill with this aspect! x
The breeder has just got back to me and is very apologetic. She said she didn't realise that you had to gently push above the genital region. She just went on the 'y' shape.

Ahhhhh! She had two litters born at the same time and has already sold most of them! All the girls could be pregnant! I do hope she is responsible and can contact the new owners.
Well she was apologetic and sounds honest in explaining what she went on. It does sound like she genuinely thought she knew what to look for, so hopefully she'll be genuine in helping out with any problems that result. x
I hope so too. Currently, I am feeling quite cross with her for not doing enough research. It caused much stress this afternoon.
Ouch - at 6 weeks, there are bound to be some unplanned pregnancies! :mal:

It is so easy to get the sex wrong, and sadly, many breeders do. We see a number of cases in our pregnancy section because of that. It is not just the penis thing, but also recognising how the inside of the slit looks, as some babies can be in-betweenies.

At least you are have had luck that your two have turned out to be the same gender, if not the one you had planned.

Your experience is one of the reasons why we recommend using one of our recommended rescues (see locator on the top bar).
Mmm, yes, lesson learnt. I will listen in future.

In- betweenies? Does that mean there is till some doubt for my babies?
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