Re-introducing My Boars

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New Born Pup
May 12, 2015
Reaction score
Tredegar, South Wales

Where do I start! If you look at my other thread you will see that Doogy (the ginger one) has had his bladder stone operation and touch wood is doing really well so (on the advice of my vet) thought I would try and re-introduce them tonight. I read the advice given on the forum (don't know what I would have done without it :eek: so thank you soooo much :D ). Piggys were put back together earlier but fur was flying :no: . Separated them for an hour and have now put them in the bathroom with their dinner and lots and lots of hay (no fur flying but lots of chutting). They are now sleeping whilst I am completely cleaning out their cage (it's going to be a long night and I'll probably be sleeping on my desk tomorrow :zzz:) . Fingers crossed they will be okay. If anyone has any more advice about what I should be doing that would be great (like how long should they be in the bathroom - I'm afraid to go to the loo in case I wake them :help: x
Update - so far so gooooood :yahoo:Just finished cleaning out the cage - another half hour and they will be going back in - wish me luck :clap: hopefully they will be back to bestest friends like they were before :hug: (hope I'm not speaking too soon :mal:) x
Fantastic news! Good stuff, so pleased for you and your boys, how is it going today?
Hi - today the boys are ignoring each other completely - Beany is staying on the top level of the cage and Doogy is staying on the bottom. If Beany ventures to the lower level then there is a lot of teeth chattering and they both seem subdued so I don't really know what to do next - should I put them back in a neutral pen (and if I did would I have to re-clean their cage even though they have both been in there since last night?)/put a barrier across the cage so they have their own space but can see each other or shall I let it run and see how we go :help: I haven't put any hideys or anything back in their cage except two hay trays - I have put them in the same place that they used to be so would it be better to move the trays and put them both in different places on the lower level (I have a 4 x 2 cage with a 2 x 1 upper level). Any advice would be greatly appreciated x
If there's no actual aggression, I'd leave them too it for a few days and see how they go..... Watch them obviously but it can take time. Split level cages can make it awkward so make sure each boy has some hay, food and a water bottle etc on each level so they don't have to venture too far if they don't want to.

Hideys are ok as long as they have more than one entrance so they can't corner each other if things get a bit heated.

Hopefully the sort it out themselves but if things escalate and the teeth come out then maybe they'd be best apart. Sometimes sitting on your lap together for cuddles and foody bribes works well to get them used to being close to each other again too. I don't know the particular history to your piggies needing separated but this is one reason why even if there is a problem needing treatment, it's good not to separate pairs of boys unless it's vital. I had a boy with a massive wound and issues post bladder stone op and he was much better in with his buddy, and some supplemental feeding. Even if my guys stay at the vet as an inpatient their buddy goes withthem unless the vet recommends not (only had that once in a very seriously ill piggy who later passed away.)

Good luck!
Thanks MerryPip. They are chattering but keeping away from each other. I have one of everything on each level for them and have pegged teatowels to the cage at the lower level so they can use those as hideys if they want to. They are both fine when they are having cuddles on my oh's shoulder - no chattering or anything so we'll keep trying that. Doogy had bladder stone surgery and Beany is a little feisty so Doogy had his own cage next to Beany's - in hindsight I think it would have been better if I'd put a barrier in their cage (I am learning something every day!). I will try neutral pen time as well when I clean their cage on the weekend and see how we go (everything crossed). Thanks again x
Fingers crossed! Sounds like they should be ok in time.

Most times unless there is a major risk of a piggy passing something on illness wise then separation causes as many problems as it helps. Piggies tend to eat better and be more relaxed and confident around their buddy so separating them can sometimes hinder recovery although I know some vets say it should be done, I'm personally not convinced.

My Stru had bladder stone surgery with complications and ended up with a massive open wound that needed care for weeks afterwards but he'd have been devastated to be away from H. Thankfully apart from standing on him a bit, H was great. They were just happy to have each other there.
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