Re-introducing dad to mum and babies

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Aug 10, 2009
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Not sure which section this should go in, behaviour felt like the most fitting...

Sasha had her babies 11 days ago. Mum and the four little ones are in a run next to Dad so they can all see each other.

We went to the vets last night and he agreed with me, that two babies are boys and two are girls. There was one boy that he said he is 99% sure of but if we are unsure nearer the seperation date, to take him back for a double check.

So, unless this boy turns out to be a girl, the plan is to seperate the two baby boys into the cage that we originally got for Sasha and Mabelle, and then make a new cage for Mum, Dad and the two baby girls (Dad is neutered and well past the 6 weeks now).

Do you think I should (or can I even?!) re-introduce dad to the whole group before seperating the baby boys so the whole family is together for a bit over a week? Or is this a bad idea?

In either case, whether it be introducing him to the whole troop or just back with mum and the baby girls, what is the best way to go about it? He wouldn't attack the babies would he?

Thanks :)p
OOH I don't know but how exciting and perfect that it's 2 boys and girls. Only one new cage needed after all.
Personally I would wait until after taking the boys out. But not sure exactly why.

Sorry I'm no help.
Did the vet charge you to sex your guinea pigs? I was thinking of taking mine in for a second opinion but I don't want to be charged.
Yes, I was charged £11.27 to check mum was ok and to sex the 4 babies. On the receipt it is down as 'Rodent consultation minimum', but I'm sure he did say that if we took them back to check again, because of the tiny little uncertainty with the one boy, he wouldn't charge, but I may have misheard that!

I don't mind the £11.27 fee though because when we took mum and dad for their first ever check they only charged me £5.07 for the pair, and then we took them again for nail clippings and to give mum a look over as she was scratching clumps of hair out and that only cost £6.65 for the pair.

I'd ring the vets first to ask what they would charge because Canada will be diff to the UK, and all vets vary. Do you have a rodentologist nearby? I think I read that they don't charge for consultations? But again, I may have misread that!
Tidying the house sounds VERY boring. I think I'd begin with taking pictures of piggies with new camera!:(|)
Tidying the house sounds VERY boring. I think I'd begin with taking pictures of piggies with new camera!:(|)

LOL! Well, I wrote that post almost 30 mins ago and so far all I've done is show my bf the new Xmas decorations that I bought the other day :red

I would play with the camera, but the piggies need cleaning first. And I would actually get no cleaning done at all today. I am rubbish! I hate it pow-pow

Time to get on with it! Back when I get bored (about 5 mins!) xx
Same as me - I'm tidying, surfing, tidying, surfing. 5 minutes to each!
I just saw you on another thread mwahahahahhaha.

I'm off too now.

Back in 5 mins :(|):(|):(|)
Do you think I should (or can I even?!) re-introduce dad to the whole group before seperating the baby boys so the whole family is together for a bit over a week? Or is this a bad idea?

In either case, whether it be introducing him to the whole troop or just back with mum and the baby girls, what is the best way to go about it? He wouldn't attack the babies would he?

Thanks :)p

I would leave babies with mum until the boys need to be separated & then introduce dad to mum & daughters, on neutral ground & it's highly unlikely dad would attack the babies :)
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