Re-bonding fighting boars

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Oscar and Nigel (brothers) had a big fight after I'd cleaned their cage a couple of wheeks ago. The girls' cage was in the same room and they hadn't smelled them for a while. I separated them into adjoining cages so they could still chat. Unfortunately we were due to go on holiday the next morning so they've stayed separated but next to each other for a fortnight. I've taken the girls out of the room now and noticed that the boys seemed to be kissing each other through the bars so I had them together for floor time, no problem. They were more interested in what was around them than each other. So, I thought, try them in a cage together but after a few minutes they were scrapping again :-\
Am I going too fast 98)
Will/can they ever be friends again?
Sue :(
I"m in the same position as you.My boys have lived together for 18 months and decided to fight a few weeks ago.I"ve also had them living side by side.Hopefully someone in the know will be able to help.
Hi Sue,

I'm pretty sure that now Oscar & Nigel have had a fight, big enough for them to be separated, that they won't be able to live together again. Some piggies can play together but just can't live together & it looks like this is going to be the case now with your boys. :-\

Even though they kiss through the bars, they must have decided they want their own space when it comes to accommodation. I could be wrong & some people may have been able to re-bond, but I've not heard of it as yet. Sorry :(
I have had the same situation with my boars. They had a big fight about 3-4 months ago and live happily side by side but cant even tolerate eachother during floor time, so that is seperate too :( is a really good read regarding bonding of boars. They can settle down as they get older so it may be worth trying again then or another option is to completely clean out and disinfect their cage and re arrange their toys and try re bonding them in another room prior to putting them back in their cage. Some people advise bathing them to eliminate each ones scent also. I didnt try this, but it could work for you.
Good luck, lets us know how it goes ;)
I never rebond boars after they have fought once on the grounds that whats to stop them doing it again? I don't understand bathing, because sometime the scent will wear off and they will be back to square one, :-\ But, I haven't tried it so maybe it works.

If they have to live seperately they should have a wire mesh down the middle of the cage (C+C type) so they can fully interact with one another.
I've had the same experience with my Tom and Jez. We adopted them in Feb as cage-mate brothers, but they never seemed very close and over time things got worse and worse until one day they had a real fight. Since then they've lived side-by-side in separate cages. On a good day they will tolerate each other on a lap, but sometimes even that is too much and they immediately start 'burring'. I've tried floor time together and once they accepted each other for about half an hour...but most times it's 15 mins max before war breaks out! I'd never leave them together unsupervised.
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