Re-bonding Boys

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Julia McAnish

Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 8, 2014
Reaction score
Broughty Ferry, Dundee

Has anyone had success in bonding their boys who previously had to be split up? My 2 had to be split at a few months old, but now are nearly 2 years old. They live in a 6 x 2 c&c cage with grids across the middle. They sleep together & stay very close, & there's been no rumblings from either for sometime, occasionally if I swapped them they'd get a bit grumbly, but they seem very settled now. Is it worth risking it? Thanks x
Why not the worse that'll happen is it won't work, as long as they haven't had a fight which drew blood there is a chance.

Remember nice big neutral space, lots of yummy vegetables, no hides unless the have two doors. Don't separate unless there is a fight.

Read the understanding boars sticky, so you know what to look for.
If there have been bites previously I don't think they will bond again. However if they haven't bitten each other then I would try in a neutral area where neither of them have been to set up a bonding pen. No hides at first just a pile of hay and veggies. Then eventually hides with more than one exit if they are getting along. You will know if it's not going to work out as they will make it obvious. (Don't put hands in between fighting piggies, throw a towel over them.) sniffing,chasing, rumblestrutting, nipping, rearing etc are all normal bonding behaviour. Before putting them back in the cage together the full cage has to be thoroughly cleaned and re arranged so no one can claim it as there's. Good luck. Also read the guides pinned to top of bonding section.

My boys who fell out wouldn't even tolerate each other through the bars.
Why not the worse that'll happen is it won't work, as long as they haven't had a fight which drew blood there is a chance.

Remember nice big neutral space, lots of yummy vegetables, no hides unless the have two doors. Don't separate unless there is a fight.

Read the understanding boars sticky, so you know what to look for.
Lol we were answering at same time. :doh:

Has anyone had success in bonding their boys who previously had to be split up? My 2 had to be split at a few months old, but now are nearly 2 years old. They live in a 6 x 2 c&c cage with grids across the middle. They sleep together & stay very close, & there's been no rumblings from either for sometime, occasionally if I swapped them they'd get a bit grumbly, but they seem very settled now. Is it worth risking it? Thanks x

In our experience, boars that have been split for some time during their months will usually not go back together even though they are happy next door neighbours and will at the best share roaming and lawn time when on neutral ground. They generally prefer having their own territory. Depending on how acrimonious the split up was and their individual character combination, they may not tolerate each other face to face even if they are happily bonded can not live together but cannot live apart mates that will grieve for the other when one of them dies.

If you want to see whether they will get on in some form or other, please follow the tips in these links here:
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
Thank you all for getting back to me. I think my gut feeling is they won't. The smaller one (in my profile pic!) is pretty feisty & even though he was the one getting hassled when he was little, he did end up biting & drawing blood from the other, who is a more laid back piggy (apart from the bonking!). Will have another read through the bonding info & see if I feel brave enough to chance it. Thanks again x
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