Re-Bonding Boars?


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 21, 2024
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Good afternoon I'll make this a quick question hopefully has anyone ever successfully rebonded boars after 4 months of living alongside each other? 💙They are 1 year old and the other is 10 months so I realise hormones are still in the mix.I'm guessing the answers will be mostly no but hoping 🤞
It depends on the reason behind their separation (not so much their age).
If there was a fight, then we would not recommend rebonding as they don’t tend to change their minds about each other after that kind of bond break down.

Wilbur and Hugo had an almighty fight around 18 months ago. They somehow managed to eat into each others cages (I still don’t really know how) after around 9 months of separation. They immediately had another fight and both ended up on antibiotics.
Well no not a fight they had never had any problem with each other but then I moved the younger one as I was cleaning who then ran into the same tunnel as the older one and he lashed out and caught him quite badly but up to that point they had no negative behaviour towards each other. But had to have an operation so were seperated for that period and then I was worried in case it happened again.
In that case I might be inclined to attempt a neutral territory meeting and see how it goes. Obviously be prepared to step in if things don’t go well but as it doesn’t sound as if there was an actual bond breakdown, it would be worth a try.
Yes as long as I was ready with gloves just in case. My motivation is we have tried a bond with another guinea and it didn't work so I now have 3 singles which is the last thing I wanted the rescue have said they'll have the new arrival back but I feel awful about it but until I can secure another bond I can't entertain anymore. I just want happy guinea pairs 😢
I've told them they'll all have to go if they don't make friends and I'll start again with some older already bonded ones 😂
Fingers crossed.
Let us know if you do go ahead with it.

I feel your pain. I have three singles - Wilbur and Hugo following their fight. Popcorn is single following the death of his friend of 6 years, Dexter.
It’s not what I planned either!
Unfortunately there is little chance of being able to bond Popcorn with either Wilbur or Hugo due to their characters - they’re all feisty, I love ‘them that way but they aren’t doing themselves any favours!
I know. I was in tears last night we had waited so long for this new guy and it didn't work but now we've met him it'll be difficult to return him 😢Yes I'll let you know 👌
I'm sorry your new boy didn't work, these piggies can be so awkward! I have 4 singles and I keep telling them if they would only live in pairs they could have such lovely big cages. It's worth a try re bonding your original pair but be prepared to jump in quickly if it goes wrong. I've tried to bond mine every which way but they are having none of it. I tried the you will all have to go if you don't make friends but they don't believe me.