Re-bonding after Cuy passing


New Born Pup
May 18, 2019
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Hi all, my gorgeous Cuy boar (Chip) passed recently at just under 11 months - it was my first Guinea pig loss and it was only worsened by how short his life was. My main concern however, is my very dominant - now bereaved - boar Cookie. Today I am bonding him with Sundae, another boar who he unfortunately fell out with a few months ago (stupidly trusting pets at home I got a trio of baby boars, long story).

Months ago when they were still together, Cookie attacked Sundae and drew blood - hence the separation - but they are currently napping next to each other very happy in the neutral bonding space. I have read over the bonding tips multiple times and am being very careful but I'm just wondering if there is a likelihood of them fighting again now that they seem quite happily bonded after both being lonely for a while. They are both about 11 months now. Thank you ❤️

I have attached a photo of the two as well as a few photos of Chip who recently passed x


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So sorry that you have lost Chip x
Good luck with bonding your other two boys 🤞

Thank you so much, they were fine until they got into the cage but now I'm unsure. As fur Chip, I'm slowly facing the reality of the situation as its all very overwhelming
Hi all, my gorgeous Cuy boar (Chip) passed recently at just under 11 months - it was my first Guinea pig loss and it was only worsened by how short his life was. My main concern however, is my very dominant - now bereaved - boar Cookie. Today I am bonding him with Sundae, another boar who he unfortunately fell out with a few months ago (stupidly trusting pets at home I got a trio of baby boars, long story).

Months ago when they were still together, Cookie attacked Sundae and drew blood - hence the separation - but they are currently napping next to each other very happy in the neutral bonding space. I have read over the bonding tips multiple times and am being very careful but I'm just wondering if there is a likelihood of them fighting again now that they seem quite happily bonded after both being lonely for a while. They are both about 11 months now. Thank you ❤️

I have attached a photo of the two as well as a few photos of Chip who recently passed x
So sorry for your loss xx♥️
So sorry for your loss ❣️
A couple of questions. How big is their cage. And did you clean it thoroughly to get rid of any lingering scents? And what happened when you put them back in the cage?
So sorry for your loss ❣
A couple of questions. How big is their cage. And did you clean it thoroughly to get rid of any lingering scents? And what happened when you put them back in the cage?

Their cage is huge, I don't know measurements but I've never had any issues with it before. As for cleaning it, I did all I possibly could to remove any scents and thoroughly washed everything that went back in there. They haven't fought or anything, just some chasing from Cookie with Sundae running, hiding and just generally seeming scared. They've both gone off to opposite ends of the cage and are fine at the moment but I'm still unsure.
That all sounds normal. They may take some time to establish dominance. Fingers crossed for you that they make it through the coming hormone spikes together. (They’re nearing the end of their teenage months)
As long as there isn’t a full on fight then it sounds normal. There will be chasing, rumbling, mounting and that is to be expected. Good luck with them and I’m sorry you lost chip
It's a while later but I thought I'd update you guys: They started lunging at each other, teeth chattering, mild scratching, etc so I separated them after seeing a huge change in Sundae who was much happier before he was bonded. Sundae has since gone back to normal and is popcorning and playing with sticks, Cookie not so much. I'm going to hopefully get a rescue piggy on Saturday and try to bond him with Cookie 😊
Oh dear! Does the rescue offer boar dating? May be the best way to get Cookie a friend.
Oh dear! Does the rescue offer boar dating? May be the best way to get Cookie a friend.
Unfortunately not but they've said that if it doesn't work out I can bring the rescue pig back to the rescue, I feel terrible but at least I might be able to get a piggy in a home rather than a rescue
Could you have Cookie and Sundae living side by side in their cages? That’s another they could get interaction, without wanting to attack each other.
Could you have Cookie and Sundae living side by side in their cages? That’s another they could get interaction, without wanting to attack each other.
They are currently housed above each other due to lack of bedroom space (their cages are big though haha) but I cut a small hole in the floor of Sundaes cage and put something there to stop them getting to each other. They often sniff each other through the cage and sometimes teeth chatter but they interact a lot 😊
I would try and find a way to house them next to each other rather than getting Cookie a friend. If you did the latter, would you fine Sundae a friend too? Else he’d be lonely.
I would try and find a way to house them next to each other rather than getting Cookie a friend. If you did the latter, would you fine Sundae a friend too? Else he’d be lonely.
I know you're typically not meant to keep pigs alone but Sundae has always pocorned, ran around, been way more friendly, etc when alone. Yet with Cookie and when he was with Chip he often hid, ran away, chattered his teeth at the pigs and at people, barely ate, etc. I intend to house Cookie with another pig bc he clearly needs a friend, Sundae loses weight, cries, etc when with pigs - hence why I'm keeping him alone for now.
I know you're typically not meant to keep pigs alone but Sundae has always pocorned, ran around, been way more friendly, etc when alone. Yet with Cookie and when he was with Chip he often hid, ran away, chattered his teeth at the pigs and at people, barely ate, etc. I intend to house Cookie with another pig bc he clearly needs a friend, Sundae loses weight, cries, etc when with pigs - hence why I'm keeping him alone for now.

His behaviour when with other pigs is most likely because he was a bit stressed and hadn’t found the right character compatible friend, not because he prefers to be alone. It is quite normal to see a pig perk up when they are taken out of a dysfunctional relationship
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