Re: boars behaviour

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 15, 2012
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Ok... So I got my new piggy yesterday and he is called Mr. Red. Everything seemed ok really yesterday, I took twiglet to wood green in the morning and he was mixed with one boar initially which didn't work and then he spent about 5 hours in the run with Mr. Red and whilst it took a while too settle down by the time I had left they seemed to be quite relaxed around each other and twiglet seeming to be the more dominant piggy and Mr. Red seemingly ok with this. I have been at work all day and have come home and I am a little bit worried that maybe things are not as th should be. As this is my first real experience of having 2 piggys only recently paired up ok just wonder if you can tell me what I could do if anything. Mr Red seems to continually be running around in twiglets face and constantly mounting and jumping all of him to the point where I am worried that twiglet really might say enough and really bite him. Mr Red doesn't seem to understand when to leave twiglet alone and I think he seems like he is really fed up with him constantly on him and have seen twiglet lifting his chin and teeth chattering hitch which I know is not a good sign. I have cleaned the run, given them food which is thrown in the cage ate he than placed in a bowl but wonder what else I can do before I consider ringing the rescue centre and seeing what they say. The rescue metre did say he is quite a full on little piggy but he just doesn't seem to know when enough is enough, and I thought yesterday that twiglet would be able too keep him in tow but now I am not so sure. Any advice appreciated xx
They need to sort out a pecking order and will take a while for them to settle down so for a few days you can expect mounting. When Twiglets had enough he will put him in his place. You could try distracting them for a while try a cardboard tube stuffed with hay or something to allow things to cool down. I would keep an eye on them for a couple of days before ringing the rescue :) x
It just worries me that twiglet might actually hurt him as he's so little. At the moment I do feel for twiglet as he seems a bit fed up with this little fella jumping all over him and I wouldn't blame him if he gave him a nip, however he seems to deal with it in a gentle but stern way but it worries me how much he will let it go. I'll hold off Kirsty! Lol
hi my boys had a mad moment before christmas, really corncerned me. they were doing what yours are now! I was advised to put a teddy in the hutch (my hutch is indoors.. i slept on the sofa all night watching and thinking they going to kill each other!)i have never taken this teddy out of the hutch since. it seemed to sort it all out! Nipper (my small one) now takes his frustration out on the teddy istead of on cuddles lol. they beat the daylights out of this teddy, which is great as its not each other. Also i put the biggest mound of Hay in for them to dive abbout in, and lots of little bits of nice foods to distract them. Hay in toilet rolls is excellent if theyre tiny, but do remember to split the toilet roll first incase they get stuck!. Mine will always hump each other but its just how they are these days.

remember if they do fight not to put your hands in.. i think you have to put a towel over them? I'm not sure tbh. I cant remember. Try distracting them tho.
I do have a little teddy that I bought when twiggy was on his own so I will think about getting another one with a neutral scent to see if they can use this instead of each other. Just gone to take a look at them and now its twiggy who is running after him so I guess its all about them getting too settle down and find their feet with each other. Oh I would never put my hand in there yikes I would be worried I might lose it! lol I have put in lots of veggies around and will put hay n veggies in the toilet rolls as twiglet loved this when he was on his own.
I think a Teddy is a good idea might take Mr Reds attention off Twiglet for a while, give them things that will distract them. I would only worry if they both were teeth chattering mine sometimes do it when they are annoyed with one of the others but it ends there nothing comes of it. Its all new to Mr Red so he will settle down, Twiglet will keep him in check. Merlin has made Hector into the perfect little friend hes his mirror image now :))
No own gut reaction and bear in mind this is my own perception as a fairly inexperienced guinea pig owner is that Mr Red has never had too live with another piggy pal as they were left running around so there were no boundaries in place for him to know how to behave. I would imagine even if they were paired up it may not have been an ideal match so again maybe he had to defend himself with other piggys so this is why he behaves the way he does. I'm relating this perception to people generally! lol
He is 10 months old so does that make him a stroppy teenager?
oh..... now i feel bad for Mr Red :x I have alot to learn xx
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