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Rattly nose

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jemima
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iI have two female guineas,aged two and three quarters. One of them has developed a rattly nose,but has no other symptoms,and seems perfectly healthy.The vet can't find anything wrong.I.m wondering if she has an allergy to something,but there is nothing new in her environment.
Allergies can be caused by many things - draughts, environment, etc. If you buy Sudafed liquid for children and give 0.3mls for 2-3 days it usually clears up allergy problems. If the liquid coming from the nose is clear this is probably the cause.
Thank you for your answer.Kim has no nasal discharge at all.She just makes a rattling sound when she breathes in,and especially if she's eating.
I would be worried it could be a URI (upper respitory infection) which she would need to go to the vets for. Guineas hide their illnesses very well so she could have this without you realising how severe it is.
I have already taken her to the vets,and the vet said her chest is clear.The rattle is only intermittent now.
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