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Rattling Sound When Breathing

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worried val of york

Forum Donator 2023/24
Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
I have just returned from the vets after hearing my 5 year old male guinea pig Rupert making slight rattling type noises. The vet suggested a swab to find out if there was an infection. This was done. There is bleeding from the nose which I was told was to be expected. I will get the result next week. In the mean time Rupert has to have metacam and septrin. Do I still have to give Pro C with Septrin.
Rupert also had his sebeacious cyst squeezed so I requested his metacam be injected as he had been through so much. I just hope I have done the right thing taking him to the vet and that he would not have got better just by me looking after him. He is an indoor piggy who shares his C and C with Maxwell another 5 year old.
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Argh you poor thing. Sounds like you did the right thing. If he does have a respiratory infection you caught it early and the antibiotics will help until they know what it is. Any delay can mean a serious infection can take a hold fast.

I dont think Septrin is as hard on the gut as Baytril but I tend to give pro c with any antibiotics to be on the safe side. If he is feeling a little low I also find 0.5 ml a day of Metatone Tonic an excellent way to keep their appetite up and give them a vitamin boost, I swear this helped Cagney through her pneumonia and Titch is doing well on it with her recovery from an abscess. They do quite like it too.

Healing vibes to Rupert but I am sure under your care he will be fine x
It is good that you have seen your vet straight away!

Please continue to give vitamin C, it will help to bost immune system.
Thanks @Guinea Slave and @Wiebke. I feel dreadful myself I always feel quite faint when I taken my guinea pigs to the vets. Especially when medicine in syringes is needed. I don't have a good history in dealing with this. But I am hoping Rupert isn't as poorly as my last two pigs who both had to be pts after taking them to vets.
You can find tips of how to best syringe in our hand feeding guide. Thankfully, many piggies love the banana flavour of septrin, so it is usually not even half the battel it is with baytril! ;)
Thanks @Guinea Slave and @Wiebke. I feel dreadful myself I always feel quite faint when I taken my guinea pigs to the vets. Especially when medicine in syringes is needed. I don't have a good history in dealing with this. But I am hoping Rupert isn't as poorly as my last two pigs who both had to be pts after taking them to vets.

Poor you, sounds like anxiety. I used to feel terribly sick when I went as like you, it just reminded me of terrible times. Just try to be positive, you are doing all the right things.

I used to get terribly anxious and i am not typically an anxious person but like you, they means so much to you dont they? Fortunately my lot have managed to break me out of this habit as I seem to go so regularly. If it makes you feel any better I did faint at the vets the other day...it was incredibly embarrassing but she did say lots of people do it...it was due to the yucky nature of the lanced abscess..OMG!
Thanks. I'm alright but I'm just so worried about Rupert. It is quite upsetting when you see blood coming out of your guinea pigs nose after he had the swab. I think that there should be something less invasive for testing guinea pigs.
Poor you, sounds like anxiety. I used to feel terribly sick when I went as like you, it just reminded me of terrible times. Just try to be positive, you are doing all the right things.

I used to get terribly anxious and i am not typically an anxious person but like you, they means so much to you dont they? Fortunately my lot have managed to break me out of this habit as I seem to go so regularly. If it makes you feel any better I did faint at the vets the other day...it was incredibly embarrassing but she did say lots of people do it...it was due to the yucky nature of the lanced abscess..OMG!
I think if you had done that at my vets then it would have taken my mind off what was happening! thanks for sharing. I'll remember that image next time I go to the vets.
Thanks. I'm alright but I'm just so worried about Rupert. It is quite upsetting when you see blood coming out of your guinea pigs nose after he had the swab. I think that there should be something less invasive for testing guinea pigs.

My little girl Lacey got a seed up her nose last year. I went to grab her and get it but she breathed in and it went up her nose! she then sneezed and it came out but she had a horrible nose bleed. I gave her some metacam with the view that if she was quiet the next day I'd take to the vet, she was absolutely fine. I am sure Rupert will be too but I think everyone on this forum can relate to your worry...it's just natural because you care. X
Hi @Goth Mummy I am up early giving Rupert his Septrin and later I'll give him some Pro C before I leave for work at 6.30 am. I am still concerned as he doesn't seem to be pooing. I am trying to find some guidance on here before I leave home as I won't be back until gone 7pm. He is eating his veg and hay but my worry is now lack of poos. Thanks very much for asking.
Oh dear. Yes lack of bowel movement is worrying. Its not something I have had experience of in piggies but I have in rabbit and horses and know how scary it is. Sending positive vibes!
Have you seen him ducking down at all as if he is eating them? this is possible if he is run down as they tend to eat more poos then. If not the will need to see a vet as soon as possible who may prescribe gut stimulants (as long as there is not a blockage). Massage therapy and fluids will also help. He should not be on gut stimulants for too long though as the system can get to used to them.
To be honest Helen I have not been able to observe him for more than half an hour at a time. He is by me now after eating some veg then having his metacam. He seems lively and has given my arm a little nip so he is quite active. I will clean the c and c run tonight and see what he does then. He likes to run round and normally poos whilst I am trying to clean up. I did check his bottom yesterday evening and cleared away what looked like grey gungey stuff. His cage mate is long haired so I think there was some of that in it but there is no sign of poo. I may take him to the vet tomorrow if I am still concerned. But I would like to be sure there is no other alternative rather than ask the vet for gut stimulates as you have pointed out potential problems if I did use them long term..On the positive side he is not making the rattling sounds when he breathes now.
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Yes I have a electronic toothbrush. I also have one of the Revitive circulation boosters but that could be a bit to strong for a guinea pig. I remember you mentioned using a toothbrush for bloat. How do I use it Helen. Do I put it under some fleece and put Rupert on top of that.
The toothbrush or the circulation booster? the toothbrush you would run along his abdomen, but the circulation booster you could put under as fleece, yes. If massage and fluids don't help then he will need a gut stimulant, hopefully just for a few days.
Good luck with the abdominal massage, Val. Fingers firmly crossed x
Thanks @helen105281 for that link. I did use my toothbrush last night. I also cleaned their run out. But this morning it was still not clear if Rupert was pooing. So I decided to put him in the bath with puppy nappies and a bit of hay. I looked in on him after about an hour and there are a few solid looking poos there. So success:yahoo:. He is by my side now eating cucumber with Pro C on it as I gave him his Septrin earlier this morning Those photos from Stewart (@Stewybus) are really clear showing what to do. I'll give Rupert another short spurt with the toothbrush. Thanks so much for the advice. I thought Rupert was going to the emergency vet today but I think I can relax a bit now.
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