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Raspy Wheaks


New Born Pup
Aug 20, 2023
Reaction score
Ann Arbor
Hi hi!

My 4 month old girl, Café, her wheaks got noticeably raspy/not crisp+sharp one morning after rescuing her from her head getting stuck in a toilet paper tube. She was screaming a lot, so I wasn’t sure if it was because of that. Her wheaks stayed raspy from then on. I listened to her breathing, no pops or labored breathing, no discharge, clear eyes, healthy appetite and energy. We took her to a vet and the vet ran a URI test and a physical and there was no URI detected. They said it could be due to a past URI, but idk bc she didn’t sound like that when we first adopted her. Do Guinea pigs this young just randomly experience vocal changes like this?
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It could have been due to distressed screaming.
If the vet has checked her out and concluded she is healthy then that is a good thing.