Junior Guinea Pig
Hi there TGPF;
Back with another issue with Joey - Due to our scheduling, we slipped behind on giving our boys fresh hay twice a day; we gave them it once for a single day in the evening, due to work and university commitments which overlapped; when we noticed, we immediately changed their hay and gave extra reserves to make sure they had plenty to eat, but I just want to say this has never happened before, so we feel this may be a cause for this. My partner had an inkling to weigh the boys despite us weighing them only 3 days prior, and we noticed that while Bluebear remained consistent, Joey had lost 70g in just 3 days, which was a total surprise as he appeared fine and healthy. He had no issues eating hay or vegetables (Both soft and hard, I.E. Cucumber + Celery), same with his pellets and the occasional treat, but we did have a thorough inspection of him to rule out any of the obvious. He doesn't seem to have anything visible with his gums or teeth, his eyes (Apart from one small crust) seemed fine and glossy, his nose was clear, no signs of slobbering either - No trauma, pain spots or swelling, signs of bloat or irritation in the ears - We also checked out his perianal sac for impaction, which seemed healthy and fine (Albeit smelly... But when isn't it?). Saying this, we did notice one or two poops that appeared conjoined or strained, like a hair had wrapped around them at one end, making it look like two fused poops; bear in mind it was only the few, and hasn't happened again recently. The only other thing we noticed that was different was his demeanour changed to be more moody and antisocial, and he seems to have picked up a new fascination with biting shirts and collars as soon as you handle him. Bluebear hasn't exhibited anything similar in that regard. We decided to call up our vets the next day as when we weighed him, he lost a further 20g, making his total weight loss just under 100g in 4 days - After seeing this, we immediately called up our vets, but can only get an appointment for Monday with a general vet, as the closest exotic appointment was on Wednesday - Due to this we took the decision to begin feeding him Oxbow Critical Care in 2hr intervals starting at 10am - By 4pm, he had gained 80g back, which was a surprise, so we're extremely confused about this. He's still eating vegetables and has been eating fresh hay consistently today, and we've been making sure to top them up with hay when we notice it looking a bit soiled / old.
I'm really confused how this large of a fluctuation can happen to an otherwise normal looking Guinea Pig, going from -90g over 4 days, to only -10g the next day with Critical Care from his previous highest weight. What could have caused this? My thoughts are the Critical Care is putting the weight on, but then I worry he'll lose it all again when he's taken off Critical Care. Should we keep this appointment for Monday, given he seems to have bounced back? If anyone can help us understand what could have caused this, and why it happened, it would be super appreciated!
Back with another issue with Joey - Due to our scheduling, we slipped behind on giving our boys fresh hay twice a day; we gave them it once for a single day in the evening, due to work and university commitments which overlapped; when we noticed, we immediately changed their hay and gave extra reserves to make sure they had plenty to eat, but I just want to say this has never happened before, so we feel this may be a cause for this. My partner had an inkling to weigh the boys despite us weighing them only 3 days prior, and we noticed that while Bluebear remained consistent, Joey had lost 70g in just 3 days, which was a total surprise as he appeared fine and healthy. He had no issues eating hay or vegetables (Both soft and hard, I.E. Cucumber + Celery), same with his pellets and the occasional treat, but we did have a thorough inspection of him to rule out any of the obvious. He doesn't seem to have anything visible with his gums or teeth, his eyes (Apart from one small crust) seemed fine and glossy, his nose was clear, no signs of slobbering either - No trauma, pain spots or swelling, signs of bloat or irritation in the ears - We also checked out his perianal sac for impaction, which seemed healthy and fine (Albeit smelly... But when isn't it?). Saying this, we did notice one or two poops that appeared conjoined or strained, like a hair had wrapped around them at one end, making it look like two fused poops; bear in mind it was only the few, and hasn't happened again recently. The only other thing we noticed that was different was his demeanour changed to be more moody and antisocial, and he seems to have picked up a new fascination with biting shirts and collars as soon as you handle him. Bluebear hasn't exhibited anything similar in that regard. We decided to call up our vets the next day as when we weighed him, he lost a further 20g, making his total weight loss just under 100g in 4 days - After seeing this, we immediately called up our vets, but can only get an appointment for Monday with a general vet, as the closest exotic appointment was on Wednesday - Due to this we took the decision to begin feeding him Oxbow Critical Care in 2hr intervals starting at 10am - By 4pm, he had gained 80g back, which was a surprise, so we're extremely confused about this. He's still eating vegetables and has been eating fresh hay consistently today, and we've been making sure to top them up with hay when we notice it looking a bit soiled / old.
I'm really confused how this large of a fluctuation can happen to an otherwise normal looking Guinea Pig, going from -90g over 4 days, to only -10g the next day with Critical Care from his previous highest weight. What could have caused this? My thoughts are the Critical Care is putting the weight on, but then I worry he'll lose it all again when he's taken off Critical Care. Should we keep this appointment for Monday, given he seems to have bounced back? If anyone can help us understand what could have caused this, and why it happened, it would be super appreciated!