*rant* Tired of people saying they are disposable


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2019
Reaction score
Carbondale, Illinois
I’ve had guineas since I was around 13. I am 25 now and have my girl, Penelope who is 5. My other two passed away a week apart from each other last year.

I have so much guilt for Penelope being by herself. She is in her own room away from our cat. I spend all the time in there and she still popcorns and squeaks. I tell my boyfriend I feel bad and have so much guilt and I am dreading the day she passes because she is my baby. My partner does not want any more. We drive a little under two hours to her vet and he doesn’t want another that we would have to take to the vet back and forth and my family lives 5 hours away so another to travel with us. I know it turns into an endless cycle having guineas and then one passing and getting more and you get stuck in a loop.

My boyfriend’s friends and family do not understand why we have Penelope and take care of her. He’s told me guys at his work has told him he would just let the “guinea pig” die instead of driving two hours to a vet. To me, it’s the bare minimum to show basic respect and value every animals life. His brother and dad used to shoot feral cats that were destructive/ just out in the country. Maybe I have a weird view but I don’t think that’s right. I’m not going to praise someone for doing the bare minimum and just caring for an animal in your care.

I am just pretty upset by all of this and wanted to vent to people I know would understand as we all view our guineas as family.
I've got to say I think it's insensitive of your boyfriend to tell you things like that.Some people just don't get it,years ago when my sambo was very poorly(the boy in my avatar) a colleague of mines partner said why don't I just get another one instead of spending money at the vets.I bit my tongue back then but these days if anyone said something like that I don't think I'd be able to keep my cool.I'm sorry you're feeling sad,a lot of people just don't understand what lovely animals they are which is such a shame x
Hello.. I'm sorry for the situation you are in. I don't think your views are weird.
On the contrary, people who care about little or feral animals (that some may think are insignificant )show they are good people with their heart in the right place.
The world sure could use more empathy for all these little creatures.
When I say to people that I've spent x amount at the vets for my guinea pigs they say that they wouldn't take a guinea pig to the vet. I reply would they take a cat or dog to a vet? When they say that of course they would, I say so why does your cat or dog have more value than my guinea pig? They can't answer that one! A pet is a pet. You have to look after it for life.

Guinea pigs are amazing creatures. Ignore all of the people who don't realise this.
This is why I stick to the guinea pig forum. People can be so heartless. If you adopt an animal, it's not just there for your enjoyment and convenience! It's a big responsibility. I remember holding Ophelia in my arms at the pet shop when we went to bring them home and thinking, "Wow, we are now parents for these tiny, rather helpless creatures. This won't be easy." It hasn't been but, if people spent time with them, they would know what big personalities they have.
Sure, vet bills are costly, but the treatment is there to make sure that the animals don't suffer. I don't know about others but it hurts me to see any animal in pain.
I think we have all had the old, cheaper to go and get another guinea pig instead of paying the vet bills
People are odd, my neighbour who is a cat lover has more or less refused to come and meet my two new piggies as she thinks they are a waste of space..
Firstly Puddles you are doing a brilliant job and we all know how hard it is when we say goodbye to a much loved pet. I know they should live together but if you are unable to have another companion and really want to break the guinea pig cycle what you are doing is the next best thing - being a great companion to your piggy and making her life left on this earth the best that you can.

With regard to the boyfriend - maybe he shouldn't have told you what they said BUT maybe he told you because he couldn't understand their attitude either. I don't know in what context he said that to you obviously.

What we do need to do as a world is change our attitudes - we live here on this planet supposedly as the superior race - treating the planet and animals very badly a lot of the time. We have the same here in the UK, hamsters are treated incredibly badly and our rescues are full of guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, mice, cats and dogs. The good folk are continually rescuing and rehoming. There are countries who have much better laws than us when it comes to animal care and breeding. We sign petition after petition and see very little change. We vote with our pennies and don't buy from the pet shops that sell animals badly.

All we can do is keeping fighting for our little fur friends and try and enjoy every single moment that we have with them and when the time comes for Penelope to take the rainbow bridge remember you did your best and come back to us and get support and comfort from us and celebrate all that was joyful. Until then kiss her, give her a tickle and make happy memories.
I think we have all had the old, cheaper to go and get another guinea pig instead of paying the vet bills
People are odd, my neighbour who is a cat lover has more or less refused to come and meet my two new piggies as she thinks they are a waste of space..
Definitely her loss and what a narrow minded person.