rant rant rant

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 20, 2010
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You have been warned!

MY BOSS IS A BULLYING PIECE OF.. POO. Yeah. Anyway I dragged myself into work despite feeling ill. I worked my hardest and what did I get when I was a bit behind "Well, if you can't keep up...." Nice attitude, Katalina. Anyway, I then end up throwing up so since I work in a kitchen I had to tell her I thought I needed to leave.
She sat me down and asked me about being off sick. The short of it is she doesn't believe I was sick and she is not pleased. Eff off. I felt like I was being interrogated in that room!
Now then, shall I tell her to stick her job up her backside.... It's only a part time job to feed my uni lifestyle.
Well if it was me I would be out of there! I wouldn't put up with being treated like that, but find another job first!:))
I used to have a boss like that, she was nicknamed Hitler! Everything and anything you ever did she was horrible with.
I made a complaint to head office about her and we had a big meeting, nothing much came out of it but I got to tell her to her face what I really thought of her. I have sinced moved to another store as I couldnt bear working for her and was on the verge of walking out.

What you need to think to yourself hun is how much do you really need the job? I know if I didnt need it then I would be out of there as fast as lightening and wouldnt even work my notice!
Or try to find a new job asap and just leave if you get a new one.

Alternatively you could take it further and make a complaint.
Hope you are okay and feel better soon.
Stacey x
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what a dragon, are you feeling any better? hopefully she'll catch whatever you had only twice as bad (harsh but serves her right).
I am currently off work waiting for a knee operation so my company has made me redundant :(
What a nasty peice of work. I would tell her to stick her job but I know that's not always an option. Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks everyone :) Oh, if you're wondering, I've got tonsilitis and the flu all rolled into one.
I'm currently looking for another job but if the mood takes me I'm likely to tell her to stick it tomorrow rather than take my shift.
Now all I need is a fab job that pays lots and my life will be complete :)) Ah well I can dream at least.
get another job first then go in and tell her stick it up her ass lol i have come to the discision if you always turn up for work even when ill and do all the overtime . the one time you ring in sick or say you can not do overtime your name is mud , then you get the ones who are always of ill never do overtime get better thought of than the ones that work
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