rangy female

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Jan 5, 2008
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mount barker south australia australia
okay as most of you know we have 2 girl piggies zoe 3.8 months old and jessie 1.8 months old. going by what i have read, teenage/hormonal period ends at 1 year old. well jessie is 1.8 as mentioned and when on heat she rumbles, rump wobbles, if barrier was gone she would chase zoe, nip her, mount her and moless(sp) her.
as most of you know zoe had major surgery nearly 4 months ago and we want to try putting them together again but don't want zoe stressed out. any ideas on how to dampen jessie's sex drive apart from a cold shower. 2funny 2funny 2funny 666) 666) 666) we know zoe wants back in with jessie but jessie is a little whipper snapper and thinks she rules the roost and zoe is too laid back for her own good. :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: hoping someone can help this under/over sexed little girl. hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls say thank you :-* :-* :-*
Some sows are just like that... it's totally normal and nothing but piggy PMS.

You only want to worry if it goes on all the time (especially in older piggies, which yours isn't) and is accompanied by the likes of hair loss or crusty/enlarged nipples which could mean hormonal problems.
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