Forum Donator 2023/24
Hi! my lone boar woody has started to squeak when he passes poops, these are normally bigger than his average size ones and it isn't everytime but often very few and far between that he squeaks. We took him to the vets yesterday and they gave some loxicom to give if and when he shows pain but it isn't a constant thing (he can go a day or a couple of days without doing it) she pressed on his bladder and couldn't feel any stones and he showed no signs of discomfort as she did this. He has been peeing calcium deposits for a while now but they are powdery and not gritty and he is on a low calcium diet with filtered water. Is it ok to assume it may just be harder to pass the bigger stools or should I try and press for an x-ray or ultrasound to rule out stones if I can get an appointment during the week? With the bank holiday weekend in the UK they are more busy than usual so appointments are like gold dust!