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Random Scabs

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I've just found today while stroking one of my boys that he has 2 fairly small not too deep scabs on his back / bottom area.

Him and his brother are forever rumbling, chattering over veg etc but I've never seen them fight, never seen any blood on the fleece etc and their eyes / ears, claws etc all seem ok. Would mites leave this kind of mark - and wouldn't both of them have the scabs if this were the case?

Thanks for any advice.............
Mites would certainly leave marks like this. When one of mine had them it was red, flakey (like cream coloured dandruff) and scabby but not cut if you see what I mean. My boy was in with 2 other boys when he had scabs but the other two never got them at all.

Best bet is the vets, they'll soon sort him out. Hope he is ok! :smitten:
Thanks Sunshine, it is definitely more "cut" looking than flakey though. I've got some lGG shampoo and coco-neme mask, would this help?
I'm unsure to be honest as I've not used that as yet hopefully someone can advise. :)
Its sounds kinda like ringworm. Ringworm usually starts as a small bald patch, it often becomes so itchy that the guinea pig will scratch till it bleeds. The only treatment for ringworm is an antifungal cream. Do not use one made for humans as they are often too strong. Go to your vet they'll be able to find out what it is and give you something for it. :)
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