Unfortunately for you, creaming is now very much considered an outdated way of treating ringworm. The issue is not so much ringworm itself but the hygiene to prevent a recurrence.
Our ringworm guide, which very much focuses on the transmission aspect has been born out of 15 years of dealing with LOTS of ringworm cases on this forum plus our own long term ownership and trying out about every possible treatment ourselves, so we have the practical collective experience on what works and what not reaching back to half a century in some of us.
You may want to read the guide for getting some new ideas and practical feedback. Learning is a life long ownership experience. We certainly work by the principle of giving new ways of treatment a try and pooling our own experiences in order to optimise and update our advice accordingly.
The problem with coconut oil is that it is not strongly antifungal and if it is causing problems with the eyes, it is also obviously not the best thing to treat your ringworm piggy with, ist it?
I would seriously recommend to consider oral fungal treatment that doesn't get anywhere near the skin or sensitive organs but reaches into every nook and cranny of the body and can kill off infected but not yey active spots. It's much less stressful for your piggies, too.
The cleaning bit will also get somewhat easier when you use a vet grade anti-fungal (and not just antibacterial) product for cages and hard furniture and know at which temperature to wash any fabrics (including your own in contact with ringworm piggies) to kill any ringworm spores - it really eases the work load and stress for you.
I have done the full ringworm the old-fashioned way with 16 piggies 10 years ago (and two recurring rounds of infection months later due to spores with endless washing, bathing and creaming) and then the new-fangled way with 30 piggies in the room on 2017. I was able to keep the infection to the one piggy who had started it (a vet surrender to really bad wrongly DIY treated ringworm) and only needed to one deep clean of the whole piggy room and then at the end of treatment the quarantining area plus two baths for the infected piggy and his companion. With no return of ringworm over 4 years now. It has really made SUCH a difference not just in the stress for the piggies but also the stress for myself.