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I am a bunny person normally but foster the odd guinea pig when necessary - I normally have these in a big cage in the house.

However, I recently fostered two lovely boys who my mum took a real shine too so she has adopted them. They lived inside for a while but mostly just until the weather got better as mum wanted them to be outdoor piggies. So, Dad made them a lovely huge two storey hutch, they seem very happy outside, and love going out in their run too but, they only use one level of the hutch. They will not go up or down the ramp! Is this normal or piggies? Should we give up trying or so to get them to use it?

Any ideas?

Its normal for them to be a bit hesitant at first. Esp. if they havnt used a ramp before.
They will do it in their own time. You could try putting some tempting veggies at the bottom/top of the ramp to encourage them. ;)
It may be that they've never encountered one before :)

Does the ramp have sides? I've found this helps as it makes them feel safe & also not too steep.
You could put them on the ramp and give a gentle nudge of encouragement, i've found babies are fearless but my older rescued piggies took a bit longer but they got the hang of it & bombed up & down like youngsters in no time :)
If its a bit steep, you could raise it a bit for them by putting a brick under it.

Also putting a bit of veg, like mutton chops said, might encourage them ;)
as niki said perhaps put sides on the ramp as i read somewhere on this forum where piggies have fallen off ramps and seriously hurt themselves.
like MC and sophie said put favourite food on ramp and give a little push.
good luck make the ramp safe first, hugs :)p:)p:)p and for piggies x>>x>>x>>
The ramp isn't at all steep and has beading across it so the piggies can't slip, I've got some rubber matting (as this is what I use on the ramp in my bunnies dog crate, as luckily my two aren't chewers!) I'll suggest to mum she puts sides on the ramp and also tries some of the rubber and see how they get on.

Thanks for your advice, she recently went to view a boarding place for when she goes on holiday - the lady there that all piggies hate ramps and will definitely not use one ever!
My OH made a ramp for two of mine to come and go from their cage and they use it without any fear! I am sure they will get the hang of it:)
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