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May 8, 2010
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So i built them a hayloft today but they havent gone up the ramp yet. Ive put them up their myself and they eat and then get quite scared about coming down. When they finally do come down they dont go back up.

i want them to use it any suggestions? or will it just be time to get used to it
Ive always found that they are not keen on ramps and 2 tier cages but this might just be with mine.

I once had a pig fall off the edge of a 2 tier cage, poor Humphrey.

I expect they will get used to it though.

Only 1 of my piggies use's the ramp but she loves it, constantly runs up and down it nd sits on it lol ... but she is the only one who does ,the rest just look at it like "yer right!" :Ayociexp122:
Mine all love the ramp and seem to like running up and down it more than being upstairs. They can't see over the sides on my ramp so maybe that helps. Occasionally I peg a length of fleece on the top as a 'roof' which makes it like an enclosed tunnel. They really love it then but I don't do it too often as Delilah tends to set up camp half way up and I never get to see her. :(|)
I'm going try puttin the fleece on the tunnel that sounds like a good idea. 2 of mine seem to like it and go up there but the other 2 havent ventured up there yet
Mine all love the ramp. Well the girls just seem to go up and down because they have to, but have no problem with it. The boys love running up and down.

The surface of the ramp is textured so they can't slip, so maybe that helps. They can see over the edge, but it doesn't seem to scare them too much and they've never fallen off.

It just takes them a few days to learn. Try putting pieces of grass along the ramp, or veggies to tempt them up it. :) And keep putting them up the top so they have to go down the ramp themselves, they'll soon learn.
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