Ramp Tunnels?

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I asked C and E cosies to put megazorb in the bottom of my new ramp tunnel to help deal with all the weeing they like to do in their tunnel. It cost a few more pounds but I'm really pleased with the result.
My ramp tunnel came from C and E cosies on line. I got two red / black spots. Have had for a while, good quality, robust and my piggys love hiding in them :) KINDLE_CAMERA_1417506357000.webp
I was going to suggest C and E Cosies again. I have never bought anything from them, but their stuff looks very good quality and reasonably priced.
ZiggysPiggies does a few cosies and other stuff. I have ordered three more 2 X 5 cage liners from her. She has quoted me £70 for them, which I think is very good. C and E Cosies 2 X 5 cage liners are £32 each. You do the maths!
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