Ralfie! My gorgeous new piggie! Pic heavy!

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Jul 30, 2007
Reaction score
Liverpool, UK
Well i've bored you all with my questions about getting a new pig for ages so thought i'd show you some pics :) His name is Ralfie, He weighs 2lb 4oz which is around 1030g think, is this an ok weight? He is about 1-2ish the rescue didn't really have a clue how old he is. His left eye looks a bit gunky and it went crusty so i think that may be conjunctivitis (sp) anyone else got any ideas? He doesn't seem to be in pain at all with it and it doesn't look sore. Anyway, he is the most trusting piggie, we got him out for a cuddle for the first time yesterday, he took a blade of grass from my hand then curled up on my mums knee and fell asleep :smitten: he is absolutely gorgeous and much more laid back and trusting than the other two, he doesn't seem to want to be picked up (we have to chase him round a bit) but seems ok once he's settled a bit! I think he is an abby x, he has 6 rosettes as far as i can see and some whisps of really long hair on his bum! he seems a bit more fluffy than most abby's and not as spikey if that makes sense? He also has the little spike of hair on his nose that abby's have and a bit of white hair which spikes sideways off his head :) Anyway! Hear he is, let me know what you think :)







Here are the girls being nosey lol, ralfie isn't interested!


By the way, that excuse the small pen, that wasn't a run for him it was just to put him in to take some pics :)
Love Emma x
Hi Emma,

Aww he is gorgeous! He looks massive! :) I can see what you mean about suiting his name, he looks like a Ralfie!

gorgeous piggy, :smitten: :smitten:, can't help with any of your questions, soz.
Where did you get the playpen thing from, I want one for my piggies?
Hi thanks everyone :) we got the play pen from P@H although if your piggies are big i wouldn't advise it, they have been known to scale the fence and escape lol! We baught two and just use it to black the television and the sterio off and then let them have the run of the two front rooms x
He is so gorgeous :smitten: his colouring is lovely. I lvoe the white strip.
I am no good with breeds but learning, but his coat does look bushy like a rex. so maybe he has some of that in him.

congratulations anyway :)
Good idea using them to block things off. My piggies are only little yet. Growing fast though.
By the way he is neutered (the rescue got him done, not me) and after it's been 8 weeks since his op he will be living with the girls, forgot to say :) x
What a handsome boy :smitten: I'm very new to piggies, so I can't help you with your questions, sorry. I especially like the pic of the girls checking Ralfie out ;D
Awwwww he is GORGEOUS! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

The run looks like the hamster run I have, I got it from p@h, but ive seen them in several petshops O0
yer i think it is a hamster run, as i said we don't use it as a run, we just use them to block the tv and stereo off so that they can have the living room and front room to run round in :) x
What a gorgeous face Alfie's got - how could you refuse him that extra piece of cucumber?!

He is GORGEOUS! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
ooooh Emma - Ralfie is a honey! :smitten: Like pictures 5 and 6 with him face on :D

Love that last pic too - like school girls looking at the nice guy they've got a crush on, through the fence! ;D
Thanks everyone i love him loads! He's so sweet and trusting, the girls leg it if i get in their cage to put food or water in (suppose i would too if a giant just came and sat in my house lol) but he just watches me :smitten: he legs it when he sees my mum though he knows she'll pick him up and cuddle him loads and he likes to appear manly in front of the girls ;D
Anyone got any ideas on what breed he may be? Is he an abby x?
Love Emma x
Ooh Emma, he's scrummy :smitten: :smitten:

What a bonny face, he has the "handlebar moustache" that i love :smitten: :smitten:

Ester would be smitten with him, love the pic of Bumble & Bee nattering to him :smitten: :smitten:
Lol! He'd be lucky to have Ester she's a gorgeous girly :) The girls have given up on him lol, everytime he moves they run over to him and watch, then he walks away and they get on with their day ;D it's quite funny x
jnenbnb said:
Lol! He'd be lucky to have Ester she's a gorgeous girly :) The girls have given up on him lol, everytime he moves they run over to him and watch, then he walks away and they get on with their day ;D it's quite funny x

Aww bless him, he'll give them a complex ;D ;D ;D

I wonder what they'll be like when they move in together, do you think he'll be hen-pecked like my Albie ;D ;D
Lol! I don't know what will ahppen to be honest, i think he's scared of them! What happened to poor Albie? x
I cant believe I didnt spot this before...ahhh Ralfie :smitten: :smitten:
Does he know he has a lavenderjade fan club? ;D

woops sorry i should have known from his name that Ralfie is a he :embarassed:
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