Rage In P@h ...

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The Furry Godmother

Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2014
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so me and Cai went in there and was looking around... There selling a 15cm hamster cage... If it's even that.... So I walked all round the store complaining and allowing them to know if there incompetence and how 'the hell can we educate people if a shop that's suppose to care doesn't' ....

I'm so mad.

And the 80cm guinea pig cage - the heck.

I'm also sure one piggy in there was pregnant. But I couldn't be sure. It could have just been fat as for 'babies' they were huge and looked like they'd been there a while!
Sadly it is usually always like that in pets at home. Poor thing, maybe you could report incase the pig is pregnant.
If I get back there I will... The staff spent more time laughing and joking about -.-
The only person in pets at home who liked the idea of me having fleece was a manager there, a woman who had big ears. She was sweet.
I always say that people working on animal shops should have not just only a bit of basic knowledge about all pets that are sold in there, but also interest in animals, just to care enough for them, because they are not things, and in much places it looks like they are...

When I bought Teddy, there was a female that had something weird in her bum, I looked at her for a while, worried and trying to figure out what was happening, suddenly, I saw a pair of paws, she was pregnant, and giving birth. I instantly told the girl who worked there (who, by the way, sold me Teddy saying he was a sow xD) that one of the guinea pigs was giving birth, she looked at it, and she said, totally confident "How could that be possible?" She looked again, and added "Nope, she's pooping." My face and my boyfriend's were priceless. By that time I didn't knew a lot about piggies, but... I SAW PAWS in her lady things! And how could a poop have that size? It's insane.
The woman that was animal manager wasn't there, so maybe she's left, because she seemed nice apart from saying you can keep them outside in the winter -.-
I always say that people working on animal shops should have not just only a bit of basic knowledge about all pets that are sold in there, but also interest in animals, just to care enough for them, because they are not things, and in much places it looks like they are...

When I bought Teddy, there was a female that had something weird in her bum, I looked at her for a while, worried and trying to figure out what was happening, suddenly, I saw a pair of paws, she was pregnant, and giving birth. I instantly told the girl who worked there (who, by the way, sold me Teddy saying he was a sow xD) that one of the guinea pigs was giving birth, she looked at it, and she said, totally confident "How could that be possible?" She looked again, and added "Nope, she's pooping." My face and my boyfriend's were priceless. By that time I didn't knew a lot about piggies, but... I SAW PAWS in her lady things! And how could a poop have that size? It's insane.

Oh dear god, did you stick around to see what happened?
Pretty much all large pet store companies are the same. It's more about the money than the welfare and education of the animals.

I think p@h in general is quite bad. The one near where I live isn't too bad though. Obviously they sell the cages that are too small, but I can't say I can blame the staff in that particular shop for it. Whenever I've spoke to them they've all been pretty enthusiastic and have never given me wrong information. They're a small team in the one near where I live and I think they do a decent job. It's just a shame it isn't like that in all of them...
Which pets at home? If you really suspect she was pregnant mention your concerns with the staff. I always do. In the swansea store they normally aren't too bad, though I had to push the point to get a piggy with a bald scabby patch checked for skin problems by their vet.
Pets at home had 120 cm cage that said suitable for 3 pigs or 2 rabbits. Unbelievable isn't it?
Oh dear god, did you stick around to see what happened?
We came back that afternoon, because my boyfriend forgot in there some important papers from his University. At first we thought they had taken her out of that cage, but she was just hidding, and still giving birth. She looked really stressed... I knew nothing more about her. That shop is quite far from my hometown, so it just happened that we looked there because it was near my boyfriends to be university.
I saw that hamster cage in mine too, think it's meant for a dwarf :( my dwarf Tiny is in a Zoozone 1!
Pretty much all large pet store companies are the same. It's more about the money than the welfare and education of the animals.

I think p@h in general is quite bad. The one near where I live isn't too bad though. Obviously they sell the cages that are too small, but I can't say I can blame the staff in that particular shop for it. Whenever I've spoke to them they've all been pretty enthusiastic and have never given me wrong information. They're a small team in the one near where I live and I think they do a decent job. It's just a shame it isn't like that in all of them...

It is very dependent on the people, the animal manager in the Gravesend store is good and I believe she knows the products aren't great, but she seems to have disappeared since I went away to uni and came back, the same with another guy - she was really good and got my friends two piggies sorted with medical treatment and was very helpful. But the ones that were in there today, I know 4 of them do not have any real form of animal knowledge 'just a job' to them. Which isn't right really.

Which pets at home? If you really suspect she was pregnant mention your concerns with the staff. I always do. In the swansea store they normally aren't too bad, though I had to push the point to get a piggy with a bald scabby patch checked for skin problems by their vet.

Wasn't Swansea, I'm back home atm, although Swansea store several times has made me more angry than the store where I live, although they treated Bert they didn't want to. I've seen pigs with blood everywhere and ears bitten off - was mentioned they ignored it... it's nasty :'/ and the way the lad in Swansea picked Bert up when we got him I could have decked him - he even let some man pick a rabbit up by its ears FHS. :'/
I will be writing an e-mail and will mention it I think, she/he didn't look pear shaped - just had a pick tummy haha. But I will mention it as I worry about the care of the animal there after.

Pets at home had 120 cm cage that said suitable for 3 pigs or 2 rabbits. Unbelievable isn't it?

I know, they sell a 90x40 (I think - looked that size) hutch and said it could house 2 pigs. -.-
I genuinely went up and down each aisle slating something and made sure other customers could here as well.

We came back that afternoon, because my boyfriend forgot in there some important papers from his University. At first we thought they had taken her out of that cage, but she was just hidding, and still giving birth. She looked really stressed... I knew nothing more about her. That shop is quite far from my hometown, so it just happened that we looked there because it was near my boyfriends to be university.

Oh, the poor thing. Well I hope she was okay! x

I saw that hamster cage in mine too, think it's meant for a dwarf :( my dwarf Tiny is in a Zoozone 1!

Really? It literally just said 'hamster cage' and had all the starter stuff in it, like that cotton bedding which from my research isn't good for them either?
And they had thousands of them - was more of them than any other cage.... Hamster cages they had in there were awfully small all of them :( and for piggies and rabbits I didn't see any cages bigger than 100cm... other than the '200' (I laugh) double tiered 100 cage.
Oh blimey, maybe they do intend people to put Syrians in them then, which is even worse. I hate that Fluffy bedding, used it with my first hamster and learnt the hard way that I should never use it again (can't go into details).
Oh blimey, maybe they do intend people to put Syrians in them then, which is even worse. I hate that Fluffy bedding, used it with my first hamster and learnt the hard way that I should never use it again (can't go into details).
I just found it on the wesbite "Small - 25 x 30 x 47cm (Suitable for 1 Dwarf Hamster, or 1 Syrian Hamster)"

I think I saw you mention this somewhere else or on FB maybe? x

I was doing some research on Hamsters on the Nyx rescue page and in general :) but C won't let me get one....
Makes me really cross :( we have an 80cm in our pet shop suitable for 1 rabbit or two guinea pigs!! What! That's crazy :(
Personally and this is just my view I think the 120cm is too small, I have my Alex on his own in a 120 and there is not much room really he will need a new hutch once he gets married for sure :)
Makes me really cross :( we have an 80cm in our pet shop suitable for 1 rabbit or two guinea pigs! What! That's crazy :(
Personally and this is just my view I think the 120cm is too small, I have my Alex on his own in a 120 and there is not much room really he will need a new hutch once he gets married for sure :)
I know, and you just can't educate them either :(
Awwh, the boys have to go into a 120 soon as they're moving out :(
Glad it wasn't Swansea store. I don't go there that often as I'm not so near it now, so that may account for my not seeing much to dislike (apart from the usual cages).
To me it feels like the store as a whole gets worse rather than better :'/ I dunno
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