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Rabbits Transmitting Illnesses? Bordetella?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
West Midlands uk
hello all
I'm considering getting a pair of rabbits that will live in the shed with my guinea pigs- not in the same enclosure but on the floor of the shed while the pigs are up on a shelf . So the pigs wont come in direct contact with the rabbits or the rabbit droppings ( but i was wondering if rabbits can transmit any illnesses (particularly bordatella ) without being in direct contact ?
also if the guineas did happen to contract the disease would there be any treatment?
thanks for your help!
I'm not too sure on this I'll tag @Wiebke who might know more but I also have a rabbit who occasionally decides to sniff my guinea pig if both are enjoying the lawn. So far no sick piggies (mind if they do interact it's for a few seconds and through bars).
I'm not too sure on this I'll tag @Wiebke who might know more but I also have a rabbit who occasionally decides to sniff my guinea pig if both are enjoying the lawn. So far no sick piggies (mind if they do interact it's for a few seconds and through bars).
ok thanks for that - its reasuring to know it can be done! :)
I know that @BossHogg has his guineas and rabbits in the same shed, and they seem to be living in absolute harmony (not to mention luxury), so I will tag him for you.