Rabbit And Guinea Pigs!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
May 5, 2015
Reaction score
Liverpool, United Kingdom
I know what you're all thinking - rabbits and piggies can't go together! And I thought the same!

I got home from work and had a panic attack as my Mother had gotten all of the animals out onto the new grass, all together! I began telling her off...and then this happened.

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Chappy (the rabbit - if anyone gets where her name comes from, they get a cookie!) is being so gentle with all of them! Apparently theyd been out for around 4 hours now. As I speak, Smudge is currently cuddled into Chappy's side while Holly is helping her with her hairdo!

I'm not sure if I want to get them out all together again; but thought I'd share this cute moment! (I'm still sitting by the fence ready to pounce in case!)
The reason why guinea pigs and rabbits should not live together are listed in this thread here.

It doesn't mean that they will not get on, but there are some major risk factors, and when it goes wrong, it is the guinea pigs that suffer or even die. Both species should ideally live with carefully bonded company of their own kind.
Guinea pigs and rabbits
That's what I said to my mum! I've put Chappy away now - the reason they were out in the first place was because she's gone and done it behind my back - I wouldn't risk my piggies with Chappy and she knows that!
Thanks for the thread link - I'll make her read it so that she understands!
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