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Quite Sow Jing With Bloating Issue

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New Born Pup
May 10, 2012
Reaction score
Saint Paul, US
I adopted a sow Jing on Sept 10. Even though I had three guinea pigs before but I made mistakes on how to make her adjust to her new home.

One different thing about Jing is she does not make any noise when she is in the cage or handled. Her foster told me that most time she just sat there.

Jing did not drink water out of bottle. So we gave her lots of vegs to keep her dehydrated. The mistake was the water bottle we had. She did not know how to use it.

She developed a case of bloating. [URL=http://s1067.photobucket.com/user/xcai67/media/Jing%20X-Ray%202%20Small_zpszz2eyltm.png.html][/URL]

Jing stopped eating on Sunday 09/18 and has been hand fed since. I did 5ml CC and water /2 hours Sunday and over night. Monday 09/19 she started eating hays and vegs.

She is not on AB even though the vets did give her ABs. Because she was eating more each day I decided not to use ABs on her to ruin her appetite.

I have been given her 1 or half dropping a day from other health guinea pigs, probiotic(2 times), infant gas relieve drop (0.15ml 2 times) and Metoclopramide 0.5ml (1mg/ml). I only did the Metoclopramide once a day because she has been producing droppings. With only 1 slice of cucumber. I gave her Vitamin C treats from Oxbow. Putting her on pillow over a massager.

Currently hand feeding her 4-5ml/3 hours.

During the whole two weeks she had been quite and no chatting when she was in the cage or being fed.

Yesterday at 6:00 PM she was quivering when I touched her. She was not very gassy at the time. I gave her 0.06ml metacam (0.5mg/ml). At 9:20PM she was very active and it went on until this morning 6:30AM.

At 10 PM last night she was also given Metoclopramide.

At 2:30AM she was drinking water and walking around talking which never happened before. I gave her 3 ml of Pedilyte. On the way to the kitchen she was very loud. In fact first time we ever heard her scream like that. 6:30 AM she was walking around on the floor for a while when I cleaned her cage.

On top the active behavior her droppings were drier than all the days before. I fed her not less water than before. Does the pain medicine cause dehydration?

Is her behavior change due to the pain medicine? Because she is not in pain so she is chatty? Both Vets did not think she was in pain. In fact I had to ask for the pain medicine. I did give her metacam twice before and did not notice the behavior change.

Has someone experienced this? Her active behavior gives us hope that she is getting better but today she is quite again.

Sorry for the long post.
Sounds like you have been very thorough with her care! Id keep off veg until this gas has cleared.

Zantac and metacaloprimide combined can be good for shifting gas so if you feel she still isnt right and is bloating again this may be something to discuss with your vet.

If her poos are dry i would try syringing her some extra water.

All the best x
Thanks, Adelle! I will ask the vet about the Zantac and metacaloprimide combination if she is bloating again.

Her water intake is mostly from syringing because she almost does not drink on her own. I will give her before bed time.
Thanks, Adelle! I will ask the vet about the Zantac and metacaloprimide combination if she is bloating again.

Her water intake is mostly from syringing because she almost does not drink on her own. I will give her before bed time.

One of my sows always stops drinking when shes not feeling great, regardless of the cause. It normally picks back up when shes feeling better so just keep doing what you are doing.

Once you are sure she is no longer bloating, you can introduce veg slowly. Since drinking is an issue i would start with cucumber as its excellent for rehydrating them x
I would definitely keep going with the syringe of water to keep her hydrated. &only feed nuggets &hay for the time being.

Wait until the bloat has gone then Any wet or veggie foods re-introduce slowly small amounts one item at a time over a few days, then if a certain food triggers the bloat you will see which it is &know to avoid it.

I see your using an infant gas relief product, if its infacol or similar. Please ask your vet if u can change to gripe water (around £3 in the supermarket baby aisle).
@helen105281 has a good idea with dosage amounts to suggest.
But basically the gripe water breaks up the gas bubble &disperses it slowly out of the system.
The infacol works that it creates one big bubble to be burped out by a human child.
Guinea pigs dont have the vomit reflex &so the gas gets trapped In one place,which then gets painful &reduces the appetite- turning Into a vicious circle.

Try to hand feed her coarse hay little &often. This will help keep her teeth in trim &won't overload her stomach too much.

Some members have had success with using an electric toothbrush.
Hold the handle/barrel against her tummy &slowly massage her with the vibration. This should help to ease the gas too.

Good luck &healing vibes for your new little one :luv:
For gripe water the dose usually mentioned on here is 0.3ml every few hours but I have dosed as much as 3ml every few hours in the past. It does seem to help my Moo who is prone to gassy episodes.
Thanks for all the suggestions and healing vibes!

No more veg for her. Poor thing!

I got the gripe water. It makes sense that breaking down is better than building up a bubble. After her feeding she made some noise when she passed some poo :-) even though her tummy does not feel too gassy.

Tomorrow afternoon we will see a vet again.
Thanks for all the suggestions and healing vibes!

No more veg for her. Poor thing!

I got the gripe water. It makes sense that breaking down is better than building up a bubble. After her feeding she made some noise when she passed some poo :-) even though her tummy does not feel too gassy.

Tomorrow afternoon we will see a vet again.

Did she squeak when passing a poo? As in uncomfortably?
Did she squeak when passing a poo? As in uncomfortably?
Sounded like a little puff of air out from her bottom. And the no veg diet did not go as plan my husband came home while I was out and gave her a small piece of carrot.
One of my sows always stops drinking when shes not feeling great, regardless of the cause. It normally picks back up when shes feeling better so just keep doing what you are doing.

Once you are sure she is no longer bloating, you can introduce veg slowly. Since drinking is an issue i would start with cucumber as its excellent for rehydrating them x

This is great to know that she will pick back up drinking on her own.

How do you check to make sure that she is no longer bloating? Jing weighs 2lb and 11 ~ 12 oz. She does have a bit of round bottom. I tried the tap hollow sound method but my another healthy and skinny one sounded about the same. One side does sound different from another side though.

Tomorrow I will request a X-Ray just to see if the gas is less.[URL=http://s1067.photobucket.com/user/xcai67/media/IMG_3630_zpskge3fdfd.jpg.html][/URL]
Jing had a X-Ray done this afternoon and she still has gas but less than 9 days ago.

The vet suggested not to feed her CC and see how much food she eats by herself. So tonight I did not feed her any CC. She has been eating hays and drinking water for quite a while since we were back from the vet after 5 PM.

Right now her cage is in our bedroom. We plan to have her cage moved so her cage will be next to my other two guinea pigs. We think maybe this setup will make her more active. The other two adopted guinea pigs are here only 2 weeks. Is this a good idea?
She would probably appreciate the company anger it might help her recovery more quickly
We moved Jing's cage on Saturday. Wow, she was so happy. She walked around and even did a couple hops. I have never seen her this active since she came to us.
Without feeding her critical care she lost 1 oz but has been stable. My vet told me to hold on veg for 2 weeks. Jing can tell when the other twos are having carrots. Now we carry her away for her massage when Dash and Shadow are having carrots.
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