Quiet piggies


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 1, 2022
Reaction score
Newcastle, UK
Hey everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve been on here so it’s good to be back! What better way to say hello again than with a new question….

I’ve recently moved house on my own and my boyfriend is here a few days a week. When it’s just me in the house my three boys are pretty quiet; they get excited and wheek when it’s salad time (as usual!) or in the morning for their nuggets and hay. I can occasionally hear them rumble but otherwise they’re more or less quiet.

When my boyfriend is here they’re so much more lively! There’s lots of noise and just general happy noises as they’re pottering around which is in huge contrast to when he’s not here. He loves them to pieces and always talks to them when he goes past them. He only occasionally gives them salad and treats as I usually do that but he gives them nuggets in the morning.

I was thinking it could be because they associate him with food which is why they’re more active but I don’t think he feeds them often enough for this to be the case. It sounds ridiculous to say but is it because there’s another man in the house and they can sense that? Then again, they were never like that when I lived with my parents and they’d see my dad everyday. I swear they’re also almost protective of me too… the boys were just wandering round their cage going about their business the other day but when my boyfriend grabbed me for a cuddle in front of them all three were at the cage wall standing on their back legs and chewing at the bars 😂

Based on this, does anyone have any insight into why they’re more vocal when he’s in the house?
I don’t have an insight for you, but in our experience our piggies are quieter when only one of us is at home. They are still happy & active, but there is a definite difference to piggy noise levels.