Quiet Pig, Single Boar Problems

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 13, 2016
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We adopted Queso a day ago and he's gone through some dramatic changes. I've tried my very best to make his life here comfortable. We aren't sure he's ever been "loved" before. He's very sweet, it's just he isn't squeaking or making many noises and if he does they're really quiet. He doesn't squeak or get excited when he gets his food like the ones I've seen in videos. He has started making a little noise that sounds like he's chewing or gently chutting (but no squeaky chutting). It doesn't sound like teeth chatter because I've heard him do that once, but I'm afraid it is him chattering his teeth every time I come near or give him food.

Also, he's a single boar in a very, very small cage. We're planning and constructing the new cage as fast as we can. However, it probably won't be done until Friday or even Sunday because we need to get all the materials, move furniture in our small apartment, etc. I'm so afraid he's lonely or upset, but I just don't know him well enough to know what the signs are. I've tried to give him floor time, but he soiled the box we had him in so we had to throw it out. This is mostly a long transition period and I feel sorry for the piggy that he's had to make so many life changes so suddenly. We will be able to get him a cage mate possibly in a month, depending on our space, supplies, and mostly if he's transitioned well.

1. Is it normal for newly adopted pigs to be rather quiet?
2. Are there any way we can make him less lonely? I spend all day long with him.
Yes. I remember getting my first guinea pigs a few months ago and yes. Really quiet. Your wee Queso has had a hard time being travelled from a place he is used to then to a new place he has never been to. Leave him alone for a few days- Dont pick him up or reach to stroke yet! Give him time to know whats going on and to explore his little cage. When you feed him talk to him. let him get used to your voice. After a few days hand feed him to get used to the smell. and maybe stroke him a little. After this he will feel more confident. Maybe make a noise to let him now when food is coming. Remember all guinea pigs are different. Some like being stroked some dont so respect that. Most guinea pigs will be nervous on their first day. My boar Zazu was a brave wee piggy and went out of hiding for the first time to get some hay buts hates human contact. Queso will gain confidence in a few days and then he will make noises.

what age is your piggy? if hes young you can get him a wee buddy. If hes 5years or over, keep him lonely but spend lots and lots of time to him. Its a risk to bond wee piggies as they can end up fighting then having to separate. You can check on youtube how to bond piggies and see how people did it.

Hoped I helped;)
My pigs were very quiet and now a week and a half later they are squealing for their veg. As he gets more comfortable he will get louder.
Yes. I remember getting my first guinea pigs a few months ago and yes. Really quiet. Your wee Queso has had a hard time being travelled from a place he is used to then to a new place he has never been to. Leave him alone for a few days- Dont pick him up or reach to stroke yet! Give him time to know whats going on and to explore his little cage. When you feed him talk to him. let him get used to your voice. After a few days hand feed him to get used to the smell. and maybe stroke him a little. After this he will feel more confident. Maybe make a noise to let him now when food is coming. Remember all guinea pigs are different. Some like being stroked some dont so respect that. Most guinea pigs will be nervous on their first day. My boar Zazu was a brave wee piggy and went out of hiding for the first time to get some hay buts hates human contact. Queso will gain confidence in a few days and then he will make noises.

what age is your piggy? if hes young you can get him a wee buddy. If hes 5years or over, keep him lonely but spend lots and lots of time to him. Its a risk to bond wee piggies as they can end up fighting then having to separate. You can check on youtube how to bond piggies and see how people did it.

Hoped I helped;)

It does :)
I actually just held him again because I thought he might be bored in his tiny cage. He didn't much like it and chattered his teeth at me :( I felt awful, all I want is to show him I love him. I'll try to leave him alone for now. The previous owner says he's either 2 or 3 years old. We're going to try to get him into the vet tomorrow. He's a sweet little boy and we feel like he's never had a chance until now. All we want to do is shower him with veg and love. (He's my husband's first pet and my first pet since my dog passed away of old age about 7 years ago).
Please try not to worry.
You are already doing an amazing job trying to make his life better, and he will appreciate it.
Right now chances are he is feeling very overwhelmed with all of the changes.

Take it slowly and give him time.
For the first few days just keep offering very small bits of veg every time you go past his cage.
When our lot first arrived we kept a bowl of small pieces of veg by their cage, and every time we approached it, we spoke gently and offered them a piece from the bowl.
If they didn't take it we just dropped it in their cage and left them to it.
I can guarantee that within a week or two he will be rushing to the front of his cage whenever he hears your voice and demanding to be fed!

It's so hard when you have a new pet, but try not to expect too much from him right now.
Remember he doesn't know yet that he is finally safe and loved - he is still waiting for unpleasant things to happen.
He is also not used to having people who listen to him and respect him.
At least when he chattered at you during lap time you paid attention to what he was trying to say.

I can't wait to see pictures of his now home.
It sounds like you are really committed owners and your boy is very lucky.
Well done for rescuing him. He will probably be quiet for a while until he settles in. Alby and Fudge were very shy when I got them. Now they squeak for their veg loudly. Lol. They sometimes still teeth chatter at me so I wouldn't worry as it's just their way of saying they don't like something that's happening. Are their any rescues near you that do Boar dating as that's probably the best way to find him a suitable friend, as not all pairings work. (I ended up with 4 piggies as Alby and Fudge fell out) Good luck and hope he settles in well.
I've had single guinea pigs and now I have a pair and they make much more noises and more varied ones. I think the guinea pig realises we don't understand. When I had a single boar he'd only chatter his teeth at me when he was annoyed else from that silence. I taught him to ring a bell for food but that put the end to his only other noise which was wheeking.
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