Quick question:


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 31, 2018
Reaction score
Solo, I actually have four Boars, they're grouped in pairs of two. And in one of my pairs, is a Guinea pig who is 9 years old with a Guinea pig who is about 11 months now. The younger one is recently neutered, and I know I can't do anything for several weeks, however I doe eventually want to partner him with a female as he is generally very aggressive to other boars except this one. What I'm wondering is that even though the female would not be in the same cage, would my two other board fight if she is still in the same room or do I have to move them away to another room? Any advice you have on the situation please. Thank you!
Ok so it’s s tricky one, it really can depend on your boars.
Some boars will go crazy and fight at the smell of a female making it difficult to keep them in close proiximity.
But then there are some that can happily live in the same room with no issue.
I think you need to take your boars age into account, if they are in the teenager zone, they will probably be worse.
I have two older boars who are very well bonded and have no interest even if a female walks past wiggling her bum :)
You just need to take it slow and be prepared and have the space to move them if needed.

If you are planning on splitting that pair up to bond the younger boy with a girl, what will happen to the older boar? I would recommend using a rescue dating service to try and bond your boar rather than just bringing home a female, just in case he is difficult XD
I don't plan on doing anything until the older boar passes. But the fact that he is so old and that he's the only one my younger boar, Boomer can get along with has me worried. I'm planning on neuter my other two younger boars just in case I do have to split them up. Both of the younger two are pretty young. One is Boomers brother, so eleven months and the other is about 7 months old. I do have the space to keep Boomer and a female in a different room but I would prefer not to.
Ah I see, 9 years old is an amazing age for a piggie!
It’s good that you have room if needed, always best to think about the worst case scenario and be prepaired if needed.