Questions for people with finacard etc..

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 21, 2012
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Hi, my pigs are on finacard, newspaper and Papelit pellets. They've been on it for a few days now. They still seem to have munch on it, should I worry or will they stop eventually? I'm worried they're hungry. Also how often and more to the point how do you spot clean on this type bedding? How often do you do a full clean out? Just a random question about hay. I had to buy hay from pah as we couldn't get any from anywhere else because we didn't have time. I bought the Timothy hay which says it's for rabbits (it doesn't mention guinea pigs) but I assume it's okay for the pigs. Oh and on it says 'chopped for your rabbit's safety'' duh buns like nice long hay. I don't like the hay from pah. It's expensive, abit dusty, stalky, it's got fluffy things in it, and it's not very fresh.
Your guinea pigs are just probably nibbling as they are bored. Make sure they have a large space to run around in. I would recommend a c&c cage. Tell me if you want any more details. Also give them a change of scene like letting them roam around in you bathroom.
Give them plenty of hay pile dotted in corners around the cage. I would recommend wilkos small pet hay, I use it. It I dust free and super cheap.
If you wan any more details then email me or post me.
Also try Countryside farmers if they have one near, I buy a massive lot of hay for Guineas there and it's nice and long and dust free! I think it's better long as they can burrow in it easier!
I use finacard type bedding for all my small furries and pretty much all of them nibble on it at some point. It's nothing to worry about but it's worth making sure they have other things to nibble on too :)
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