Questions About Rescue Piggies

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 17, 2015
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So in my introduction I talked about where to get my piggies from and rescue was suggested. Now hubby and I did consider rescue first but have some concerns. I've only had babies before that I brought up so they were really friendly, loved lap time etc and I know it's a bit selfish of me but I really want that again. I'm worried that rescue pigs might have been mistreated and not be as friendly. Please don't judge me I'm a nice person I really am and I know I should just save some and not think what I'll get out of it but it's hard!
Can anyone give me any rescue reassurance? The place near me says if it all goes wrong you can take them back but I don't think I'd ever do that no matter what they were like!

Thanks you guys x
I have had many pigs over the years and some of them were rescues and a lot of the rescues I found were actually more friendly because of what thy had been through, plus not all rescues will be grownup piggies there will most likely be some babies, have you gone to the rescue and talked to them because I'm sure they would be able to help you, Guinea pigs are prey a animals so a lot of them are scared anyway because it's there nature to be a bit scared of humans and so most likely whatever pig you get you will have to be patient and learn their trust but just because a piggy is a rescue pig dosent mean it won't be friendly and just because a pig is from a breeder or a pet shop dose not mean they will be friendly it all depends on the pig, anyway good luck and I can't wait to see pics of your pigs.
I have two girls who I had from babies ( I didn't know where to turn for rescue pigs ) and I have two girls that I rescued a few years later.

I can definitely tell the difference between the tame-Ness of the two sets. The rescue pigs were 2 years old when I got them and it took ages for them to not hide in the corner when I came close. The girls I had from babies will run up to the bars and want my attention.

It is rewarding when they trust you as much as it is from when they are babies. I agree that you never know what happened to them before you got them but that makes them a little bit more special when they do learn to trust you.
Rescue piggies are not damaged piggies but are piggies who through no fault of their own have found themselves in a rescue. These piggies are the lucky ones who will now hopefully find their forever homes with a caring family. Most reputable rescues will spend time with you to ensure that the piggies you adopt are a perfect match for your lifestyle. They also ensures that you are the perfect match for them. Its not just older piggies that are in rescues, young ones are there too. Although we are biased as all of our adopted piggies have been over a year old when we adopted them, some are even older. The joy you feel when adopting a bonded pair of piggies who have their own personalities is definitely something to behold. We would definitely recommend you going to your local rescue who will be happy to help you provide the right environment and match for your new family.

Lisa & Ali..x
The rescue I support and adopt from (mostly, I support many others too) often rescue pregnant moms so have baby piggies available for adoption too. If you are patient and look for it you can rescue and have a pair of youngsters.

But I have to say I think it's more about personality than ages. I fostered baby pairs and found them incredibly fast and tricky to handle. I also have a girl who came to live with me as a baby and even though I handle her frequently she hates it. My most affectionate pig is Alexander who was an adult rescue boy who lived in horrible cramped conditions with others and suffered bad fungal due to stress. He loves cuddles :luv:
I have had rescue boys and not rescue boys and both have been lovely. I currently have two older boys who came from the same rescue on two different occasions who are the most loving piggies you can find. @sport_billy can testify to that as they'll even fall asleep on him! They were both unwanted by their previous owners.

Some rescue piggies have had a hard time before they are rehomed but a good rescue will only home them when they are ready and if they are nervous or hard to handle or have extra medical needs then they might prefer to find them a special home or long term foster placement. It's all about personality as @MrsSuzy says. A good rescue will help you find the ideal companions for you and just because they aren't babies doesn't mean you won't bond with them as well. I've had new piggies at 3 and 4 years of age from rescues who have settled well with and new cage-mate and with us within days and have been absolutely brilliant piggies.

See if you can arrange to go and meet with your best local rescue and meet some of their residents. I guarantee you'll find someone you fall in love with!
It's definitely worth looking at rescue piggies. I am sure how happy piggies are to be handled is mostly down to personality. I currently have two boars I had as babies, they have both been handled by me every day for 10 months. One the Abi in my avatar is not keen on lap time but tolerates it cause he loves chin rubs, his cage mate a smooth hair hates human contact. The Abi will take food from me and comes running when I call but not the smooth hair, yet they are the same age and have had exactly the same treatment. I have had older rescue pigs in the past sows and boars who have loved to be handled, Peanut is the first guinea pig I've had out of 9 who is so timid and scared.
Where are you in the world @laurafrog and we can probably recommend a good rescue who can reassure you and let you meet some of their fluffy buddies needing homes :)
I can see you are going to be an excellent and devoted guinea pig owner . I am so pleased you are asking all these questions before going ahead . I hope you find some guinea pigs at Wheek and Squeek .

I will also say, if it doesn't work out at the rescue - and you get your guinea pigs from a breeder , you'll be just as welcome on this forum.
Rescue animals can be just as loving, if not more so than some babies that you've brought up yourself.

This isnt about a guinea pig but its the same principle - My snuggliest, cuddliest, sweetest bunny was a rescue bunny. When he came he was petrified - not just normal shy/nervous really full on petrified. It took a couple of months but he became so sweet and loving - he loved cuddles and would lick you when you stroked him.
I have both in my house bought and adopted and to be honest like @Cavy_lover my most special animal is an adopted rabbit called Bear.

He was in the adoption centre at Pets at Home for months when we saw him and we were told no-one had taken him because he has no front teeth. He needs his veges cut up into tiny pellet like sizes to be able to eat and we have to take him to the vet for regular checkups as little peg teeth can grow and cause problems. Other than that he is a normal bunny :)

The staff at Pets at Home were genuinely thrilled that we took him as they know us and knew he would get a fantastic home. They said it is sad that people do not want to take animals that are not 'perfect'

He was very stressed and anxious at first but took all the love we gave him and he is such a fabulous character and brings such joy to our lives.

We all see him as such a special gift that we have been allowed to have in our lives.

So please consider them as extra special animals not something that someone no longer wants as their loss is your gain.
I can't add much to what already has been said, but I will say with the time and devotion even an older rescue piggy can become friendly and snuggly. As piggies are all individual, even if you get babies from a shop for example, it doesn't mean they'll be all cuddly as some pigs just aren't.
I have recently rescued an old man (6years old) and he is such a sweet heart it's unreal!
Best of luck whatever route you chose and enjoy them however they turn out :-)
All I know is my tamest lap piggies have all been rescued. Currently I have 2 that don't really enjoy lap time and are a bit skittish, one bought and one rescue, it really just depends on the piggies personality I think :)
Thanks so much guys :) I just had a call from a friend of a friend who has two babies needing a home so I've obviously said yes and then cried with happiness and excitement because I'm a loon!
Just a word of advice - make sure an expert sexes them ASAP . We've had a few too many disasters from incorrectly sexed guinea pigs !
When are they arriving? Exciting times!
I have just reserved two rescue piggies who I will be collecting when we got back from holiday. Its a mother and daughter - mum is 7 months old and has apparently had a rough start to life (I don't know any other details), daughter is 7 weeks old, I am hoping Mum won't be too nervous and that if she is Daughter won't be and that'll reassure Mum! Good luck with the babies :)
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