Questions about Bailey and Oscar

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Feb 6, 2011
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As you know i bought home Bailey and Oscar on Saturday. They are doing well but i am worried they may not be getting on. I have noticed they have a few arguments and they also seem to sit apart from each other. When it comes to eating time they sit next to each other. Is this normal as they are in a new cage? They were is a pen with 2 other guinea pigs at the RSPCA and i am not too sure how well they all got on.

Also they seem to be quiet stinky, is this because they are males?
Yes, the males stink more than the ladies :)) I've got 3 males in one big cage in one room, and 6 ladies in 3 cages in another. The room with the males stinks! :))

About them sitting apart from each other, it depends on the piggies. Some are very sociable and like to sit together. Others seem to like sit apart, even though they still get along fine.

Congratulations on getting new piggies! :(|)
My girls very rarely sit together, Boris like to share, but not the girls! Willow especially doesn't like sharing her space and often shoves Pixel out of the way.

They may come around in time, but as long as they're not bickering I wouldn't worry too much :)
My 2 boys are never near one another when they're resting but they will stand at the same bowl together & they still have tiffs after being together for almost 20 months.
Some pigs just don't 'snuggle.' We've had two pairs of sows (Linney and Frenzy were our original pair, then after Frenzy passed we paired Linney with another younger sow, Sundae.) Linney loves 'snuggling' with the people, but though she has always gotten along with her cagemates, she doesn't cuddle up to them. At night I sometimes catch her in the pigloo with Sundae but I seldom see them side by side during the day- they do play, follow each other around the hallway, sit side by side at the food dish, and don't fight/bicker that much... but they don't cuddle during daylight hours either!
My boys never snuggle, even though they never fight. They rarely rumblestrut, Squeek will hump Toffee once, once I put them in the cleaned out cage, just to say I'm still top piggie, and that will be that untill the next cleanout.
But they will always be in their own hide everytime, they are just laid back but not affectionate at all
2 of my male pigs never snuggled up together, they always sat a bit apart, same with my friend's male pigs, but they get on fine. They just liked their own space too. :)

And boy pigs do smell more, but it's not that bad. They just have a distinctive guinea pig smell! Girls don't seem to smell at all to me.

But male pigs have other benefits, they're often calmer and more friendly :)
Thanks everyone. They were sleeping together this morning when i gave them breakfast but when i had them out tonight they had a few words lol. I think perhaps they are trying to figure out whos boss. I am not too sure who the dominant one is yet. Saying that i am not too sure who the dominant one is with my girls as they have always got on and always sit with each other. My girls have never smelt so i think thats why i find it so strong with my boys.
I have two males, and one is clearly more dominant, rumblestrutting and humping, sometimes they have strong words, but no matter what goes on and how much I worry they're going to start fighting, an hour later they are lying snuggled up with each other! It's really cute :)
As for the smell, mine are around 14 weeks old and this week I have noticed the more dominant one has got really smelly!
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