

Jul 11, 2017
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Okay my son decided to get two sows which will be kept in a seperate cage and in a seperate room from my 2,boars ..question is,if they never see one another will there be any problems?
I've known people who have kept boars and sows in the same room without a problem so I assume this would be alright. :)
I will never breed them so the less they know the better
My main concern is the 2 boars get along right now I just don't want them to start fighting ...and I voiced my concern but my wife vetoed me so here I am
My main concern is the 2 boars get along right now I just don't want them to start fighting ...and I voiced my concern but my wife vetoed me so here I am
Haha no i think you'll be fine. :) got any pictures of your piggies?
You are right to be concerned about the possability of referred aggression. They should be fine in separate rooms. Always deal with the boars first so that you dont take girly smells into them!
separate rooms! feromons and hormones might create a hell at home.
And a last thing: I also would like to fill my house with these wonderful pets, but don't forget they are cute and funny until they are HEALTHY. When they are old or when they get some illness and need a vet, the cost is HUGE. Also a common UTI or a URI cost quite a lot.
My son works and makes his own money so his problem ..ill deal with mine ...