Question Re Boar Weights.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 23, 2015
Reaction score
Lancaster UK
I got Alvin (A peruvian boar) about this time last year and being new to piggies didn't really think much about his size.
When we got him he was about 5 months old.
Now I've been on here and have taken on the three rehome piggies from Sarah on here I realise how small my boars are.
The other boars we have are alvins sons and they too are on the small side (but still growing as they are only 5.5 months old).
Alvin weighs 772g! (He has been trimmed short recently so this is not all hair)
He is healthy though and eats like a trooper, he has all the food requirements he needs hay, pellets etc.
He has no issues and no health problems he's just small.
In terms of his babies (sons) they are both in the mid 500g at 5.5 months.
I'm a bit upset/worried now.
The other part of this is obviously I'm keen to get him in better condition without adding unhealthy fat... What is the best way to do this?
This makes it sound like he's ill... He isn't he's just small.
He's isnt a 'big' piggy as such.. He has a small frame and I don't want him to get obese and be ill.

I wouldn't worry about your boys weights. Guinea pig weights vary so much. From our 9 boars who range in ages from approximately 6 months to 5 years there is a massive weight range here from 600 gms to 1.4 kgs. You shouldnt get caught up in your guinea pigs weight as what is more important is looking for trends. That is why we recommend you weigh them on a weekly basis at the same time of day. That way you can see trends and any large weight variations which can indicate illness. A good idea would be to get your children to keep a record of the piggy weights and draw a little graph.

Lisa & Ali..x
Thank you for your reply. I was having a right panic on.
Yes... His weight doesn't flutctuate much at all.. So taking on board your reply I'm inclined to worry a little less.
Thank you... Had a quick skim read but will scrutinise it more later.
Thinking I may up his pellets a little just to be sure he is getting all he needs, and his sons whom he loves with.
He's a lovely young man! Very gentle and kind... Never grumbles.
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