Question about neutral territory, and my boys.


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 13, 2023
Reaction score
Scunthorpe, UK
Hello :)

I have been doing a lot of research about bonding my two adopted boars, Eddie and Rory. I have a question regarding neutral territory and a slight age concern.

I have seen that the first hour or three of bonding happens in said neutral territory (for obvious reasons), and then the pairing/group are moved to their well-cleaned home as the next stage. We have built a new enclosure for the boys, which neither has previously been in. It is, however, in the same room they have both previously been separately housed,. Nothing used to build the home or in it has ever been touched by either boy. Could being in the same room cause an issue with the bonding?

My additional question about this is, can we use this new home as the neutral territory and then not have to move them after a few hours? Or is it an important part of the process that the initial bonding does not occur in their new home? I couldn't find an answer when looking, it is mainly information about homes being cleaned and a new piggy introduced that I have found, rather than new and unmarked homes.

My last related question is age. We adopted them both (after researching and preparing) because they were alone, sad, and in small enclosures. They are, however, aged almost 7m (Eddie) and almost 5m (Rory) - or so we have been told by the pet store. A customer had surrendered Eddie to the store as he was bullied by his brother and had parts of his ears missing. Rory was a store baby who was, again, bullied by his cage mates and had vet-treated wounds to the rump. I believe he was alone from 3-4 months old Both were healed when we adopted them. With the boys at integral ages and difficult ages to bond, I wonder if we should hold off on the bonding for a while? But I hate the idea of having a divider without even trying; I want that decision to be made in their best interests (hence my coming here), not my fears.

If the boys are not bonded yet, or if it sadly failed, they will be able to see/smell/hear each other through 2x C&C panels, and both will have the needed space each in their new home.

I hope makes sense! And thank you greatly for your time. It helps knowing I can talk to people, as helpful as the reading has been!


[Additonal info re: bonding steps - the boys have been right next to each other visually for 2.5 weeks and have had vet visits. We have also been scent-swapping with pee pads during daily poop scoops]

Yes in your case the cage can be used as a bonding pen as it is not the territory of either of them. They can then just remain in the cage with no need to move them somewhere else.
When you are first introducing and for the first few hours do not put hides in the cage. Only have a pile of hay and some water. You can add hides after several hours if they are ok together

Age wise, if you are thinking to wait until they are older and past the teens and hormones then you will be waiting at least a year to be able to bond them. There would be no benefit in doing so. They will either bond now or they won’t so best to just try to bond them now.

Scent swapping isn’t always a good idea. Sometimes it can just cause territorial issues.

Yes in your case the cage can be used as a bonding pen as it is not the territory of either of them. They can then just remain in the cage with no need to move them somewhere else.
When you are first introducing and for the first few hours do not put hides in the cage. Only have a pile of hay and some water. You can add hides after several hours if they are ok together

Age wise, if you are thinking to wait until they are older and past the teens and hormones then you will be waiting at least a year to be able to bond them. There would be no benefit in doing so. They will either bond now or they won’t so best to just try to bond them now.

Scent swapping isn’t always a good idea. Sometimes it can just cause territorial issues.
Thank you for your reply!

Oh no, I read in more than one guide about scent swapping! I will stop that immediately then, I don't want to encourage any problems. Luckily, that hasn't been going on the whole time - just 3 days - so I will make sure it goes on no longer.

Thank you for all the information, that is incredibly helpful and reassuring. He's hoping 🤞
One word of caution, is your cage brand new and not been used by any other animal? I say this because we were given a beautiful newish 6ft chartwell hutch (daughter housed rabbits in it previously) We put our bonded boys in it and they instantly started to fight. They were always well bonded so I can only assume it was the smell of the rabbits that still lingered. It was only a brief spat and we took them straight out and they were fine after a few hours but it shocked us
One word of caution, is your cage brand new and not been used by any other animal? I say this because we were given a beautiful newish 6ft chartwell hutch (daughter housed rabbits in it previously) We put our bonded boys in it and they instantly started to fight. They were always well bonded so I can only assume it was the smell of the rabbits that still lingered. It was only a brief spat and we took them straight out and they were fine after a few hours but it shocked us
Hi, yes, brand new and we have built it just for them. Thank you for letting us know! I am so sorry that happened xx