Junior Guinea Pig
I recently rescued a 1 year old sow. I already have 2 4 month old sows. I took them to neutral ground with lots of veggies and hay. I let them meet for the first time. They did normal dominance acts like rumble strut, sniffing, an nose raising. The one thing I am skeptical about is during all of this, the dominant pig out of the 2 I already(Popcorn) had would be doing these acts with the new pig(s'mores) but they would get into a standstill, and my new pig would jump at her and it looks like they're fighting in circles for about a second or 2 but there's no blood or hair/skin loss. After they do that popcorn would chatter her teeth rapidly and sometimes they'd do it again and sometimes they'd do something else. Should I let them keep doing that or is that a sign to throw. Towel over them and break it up?