I've had over a dozen pigs and have only ever bathed for medical reasons. One old lady had to have some antifungal shampoo for her skin condition - she was only bathed two or 3 times in total according to vet instructions. One girl got a UTI in warm weather and dripped blood-tinged urine. I was concerned that she would attract flies, but even then it was not a bath - just a dip. I had a shallow bowl of warm water and gently lowered her in so that her back feet were resting in the bowl and her lady bits were
just under water. I still held her with both hands of course, supporting the heavier back end, and then slooshed the water round her stains. 30 seconds tops. She didn't like the experience even when she knew what was happening and she kept trying to climb up my arm. This is why I tend to do everything at ground level - their eyesight isn't great and they can panic and do a sudden blind leap, not knowing how far away the floor is

Lift out gently and sit on a folded warm towel to soak up most water, then transfer to a second towel and dab off as much as possible. She was literally only wet on her back feet and her girl bits... I didn't want any wet tummies. I put her on a towel in the laundry basket to dry with some hay to keep her busy, and covered one end so she could feel safe while she groomed.
It's important they don't stay damp. The skin is surprisingly delicate so using any shampoo at all can upset the skin and cause problems. They are not aquatic beasties and they are prone to respiratory infections anyway. If they accidentally inhale even a droplet of water it can cause all sorts of upset in the lungs.
Some of my pigs have
sometimes enjoyed being combed but that's as far as we go at this salon!