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New Born Pup
Jan 31, 2024
Reaction score
So yesterday my guinea pig died. I thought I’d come here to find out what caused the death because I completely could not understand what has happened and I thought somebody here would know. I found him outside in his run collapsed on the floor. I immediately carried him inside, he was still conscious constantly opening and closing his mouth and moving his legs while lying down. Eventually, he stopped breathing, does anyone know what has happened or had this happened to them?
I’m so sorry you have lost your piggy. Unfortunately the only way to find out the cause of death would be for a vet to perform an autopsy.

I have had this happen to one of my piggies. What I can say is that when you found him he wouldn’t have been in any pain. Once they are moving their legs like that it’s called running to the rainbow bridge and they are no longer conscious. A vet told me this.

I’m so sorry. Take care. ❤️
I’m so sorry for your loss. As above, we cannot know what happened.

But you mention being outside in a run. If you still have any piggy, please don’t put them outside at all at this time is year. Piggies need to kept warm at all times and it is too cold and damp for them to be outside between October and April.

Again, I’m sorry for your loss
So sorry you've lost your piggy, RIP little one over the Rainbow Bridge 🌈❤️
Please keep a close eye on any other pigs you may have.