putting your foot in it

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 17, 2007
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Does anyone else do this, Put there foot in it, I have this problem where i seem to catch on to a situation minuets to late and end up saying something i shouldn't or something that is sensitive to others,

some times i feel like a complete social leper. ?
I've done that in the past and I don't mean too :-\

Or I mean something else and it comes out wrong..
I was always getting into bother for opening my big mouth without thinking
LOL. I'm always doing it!

Also people think that with me. eg - 'did you have a nice walk here today?' and I'll be like 'I can't walk' (Grinning though) and they shy away.
It's not like I'm going to burst into tears and I am human! LOL ;D

Put your foot in it all you like - the reactions might surprise you! ;)/color]
I quite often say something that comes out completely the wrong way - like when I told my Mom she couldn't come and see my son when she had suspected gastroenteritis as she would still be breathing! :D I actually meant that germs could still be passed even if she didn't touch etc.. but she thought I actually meant that I wanted her to stop breathing for a minute! :P
I am just awful really, i know i am not suppose to say anything and try not to and mentally bump myself not to say anything and WHAM there it is out like a nasty blob on the table,

I can laugh about some of the things i do but others (shiver).

I just recently dropped a claner with a women who found out her son possible had heart problems,,,,,,,she said she was loosing sleep over it, I just answered she shouldn't lose sleep over it as the boys had this prob all his life and she has slept though it all this time,

See what a mean, but that is not what i meant, needless to say she hasn't spoken to me since,
LOL aww them.. Blunt and straight to the point! ;)

But that's just life! ;D Can't be on your guard ALL the time, just not possible ;)
I always giggle when I shouldn't - like last week when some man cracked his head on the overhead lockers on the plane - without thinking I let out a big chortle, then when he turned round I had to say sorry! Fortunately he said "its alright love, if you'd banged your head I'd have laughed too!" ;D
Oh Gawd. I'm always putting my foot in it. I only open my mouth to change feet ;D I charge in with all the sensitivity and tact of your average bulldozer. I don't mean to, I just tend to "say what I see" and I like people to be like that with me too. And things always sound better in my head than they do out in the open.
I think I'm sometimes misunderstood and I care too much about others feelings. On occasions when I DO voice myself its often a little sharp for some peoples liking
I don't normally comment a lot but this thread made me chuckle!

I am known to talk (alot) and have on numerous occasions put my foot in it. I have to say though that I think it depends on the person on the receiving end. A couple of months ago my mum was in Tesco when she got talking to a woman who works there who she meets quite frequently. The woman proceeded to say how she had been chatting to my mum's mum the other day for ages and what a lovely woman she was. My mum then retorted "you would have a hard job love she died a couple of weeks ago" Obviously the women was mortified but my family tries to always find the funny side so it didn't really matter and we even laugh about it now!

SO don't worry about it piggybaker.... You can't be expected to know everything about a situation before you step into it!
A few New Years Eve's ago, the first one since losing my Mum and Dad, I was at work and at the stroke of 12 got very tearful, a co worker said what's wrong? I said oh i'm ok it's just I haven't had a Happy New Year text from my Mum and Dad, don't worry darling he said they probably can't get through because the networks are jammed.

Well that really tickled me and soon stopped me crying, and made me have the giggles. What's so funny he said? Well they'd have a hard job getting through I said, they died in April. Oh god he said.. I totally forgot. He was absolutely mortified! But at least he stopped me crying :)
Aww bev, that's a nice story. You see, that's how people should react when someone "puts their foot in it". I can't stand people who get all precious and angry because you don't know the smallest detail of their lives.

I was talking to a woman at work once and said that I hate the name Charlotte. She said, really offended, "my middle name is Charlotte" I thought for a second about how I could backtrack and soothe the woman's feelings and said "it's still a horrible name" ;D I decided not to bother with the soothing ;D Well, it was a stupid thing to get upset about ;D
katiep said:
I always giggle when I shouldn't - like last week when some man cracked his head on the overhead lockers on the plane - without thinking I let out a big chortle, then when he turned round I had to say sorry! Fortunately he said "its alright love, if you'd banged your head I'd have laughed too!" ;D

I do that too, can't help it. It's just me! ;)
My mum used to come out with some brilliant ones. When she met a friend of mine she said to her ' its really nice to meet you at last, Debbie has told me a lot about you. You know how you get this picture in your mind of what someone looks like, well I expected you to be tall, slim and elegant, and actually your none of those, but you are very nice though!'

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Thank goodness my friend saw the funny side of it and couldn't stop laughing at the look of horror on my face!
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