Putting boars back together


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 27, 2021
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So, long story short, we lost one of our boars last year and popped Len into a rescue to be bonded. He initially bonded well with Ron but then, as per our previous threads, they fell out big time and some big bitey fights broke out. After some time we gave up trying to bond and put them in cages next to each other. Long story short again, we have been giving them floor time with each other for some time and in the last few months not had any antics. Both the boys seem very happy for 1hr plus floor time, piggy trains and harmony. We are now wondering if we should take the divider out and try again? It seems like the sort of blood drawn chunks out of face fights we had before would mean they couldn't be buddies again but floor time seems to suggest otherwise? Is it worth a go or would we risk what we already have?
P.s. bonus weird question: Len seems to have a weird reaction to a scratch. If we pat him normally in his cage, he's non-reactive. If we give him a light scratch he does this odd thing where he bites whatever is near him/jiggles around. We can't work out whether he really likes it, or hates it? He never tries to move away (like he does with an unwanted pat) or teeth chatters like he does with anything else he doesn't like Does anyone else have a piggy that does this?
Very occasionally a fallen out pair of boars are able to have floor time but they are simply not able to share a territory making rebonding impossible.
Trying a rebond is a risk.
We don’t recommend allowing them together at all for floor time if they cannot live together. Each time you are doing it, it is seen as a bonding session but never gets to conclusion.

If you are thinking of properly attempting to rebond, do not just remove the divider in their cages. That will be seen as a territory invasion and is likely to cause a fight. They may be fine in floor time because it is a shared space but cages either side of a divider are not.

Put them on neutral territory for several hours. Watch them closely.
Thoroughly clean out the cage, everything needs to be completely neutral. Then try moving them to the cage after several hours (keep them on neutral territory bonding pen overnight if needed).
Still keep a close eye because if their bond broke down so badly then it’s likely they won’t be able to form a hierarchy long term
Thanks. It sure is an odd one. If it's going to be a long drawn out possible failure I think we might keep them as is. They are right next to each other and have an hour floor time each day and seem happy as Larry, so probably no point in rocking the boat