Putting A Deposit Down On 2 Piggies :)

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New Born Pup
Jan 1, 2014
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We are putting a deposit down on two female piggies tomorrow (providing no one has taken them today) they are about 20w brown with red eyes. Unsold at the garden centre due to eye colour.
What would be your best piece of advice be?

Personally id say track down your local guinea pig rescue and adopt from them instead :) sorry if it sounds harsh but you'd be garuanteed healthy non pregnant correctly sexed pigs which you can't garuantee from a garden centre/pet shop x
Aww red eyed piggies! My favourite! I don't know why people are so prejudice about them. If it was up to me I'd adopt every red eyed piggie. I only have one current red eyed boy at the moment but his eyes are dazzling! <3

As for advice I'd recommend a CC cage for them if you only have a tiny pet store cage. You can make these in any shape and size you want.

Your piggies will definitely be nervous so don't handle them for the first 2 days or so so they can get used to being in the new enviroment. Whenever you are in the room, talk around them so they get used to your voice and aren't as scared. Try to offer them vegetables through the cage bars. They will be extremely nervous and timid but keep up with it and when they take them from your hand you will feel amazing.

Pellets, try not to get a muesli mix but something that is like science selective or burgess excel or don't give them any pellets at all.

Feed veg twice a day. Their diet mostly consists of hay, around 80-90%.

Guinea pigs are very terrified when it comes to being picked up as its the predator/prey experience but they either will get used to it or you can think of other ways to help with handling. Some people urge them into something and then pick them up that way. :)

Guinea pigs are amazingly fun when you get them to trust you and watching them interactive with their cage mates is very enjoyable to watch. :)

Enjoy your two new piggles!
Hi Lou and welcome to the Forum which has some really knowledgeable guinea pig owners. I have learnt a lot since I joined. It is good you are seeking advice about the care of your guinea pigs before you get them. Julesie has already given you some valuable advice. I hope you enjoy looking after your two little ones as much as I do. It is wonderful to see how their personalities grow and how they react to things.
Sadly, many people don't like pink eyed guinea pigs and they often struggle to find homes - whether in a shop or a rescue! My Hafina RIP in the avatar is another golden with pink eyes, which is a specific breed.

Please be aware that shop guinea pigs are not gender separated during transport from rodent farms on the Continent (that is how I got caught out with my first adult pair of guinea pigs and the reason why I have gone strictly rescue since) and that they can come with health problems.

While we generally don't recommend people to buy from a shop and encourage them to go rescue instead (we have a recommended rescue locator on the top bar), it can be very hard to walk away from shop piggies that obviously have got a problem or are stuck in the shop.

You can find lots of information at the top of each section in our Care section, but please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have.
Looking forward to seeing pics of your piggies when you get them. Don't understand the pink eye thing, i personally love pink eyed animals :D.
I have two pink eyes and they are gorgeous! Don't see what the problem is with them!
Hopefully everything goes well and you don't get any oopseys!
I just don't understand why people have such an issue with eye colours :no:. I didn't even notice my little brown boy had red eyes until well after I got him! (they're a kind of dark red so only noticeble in cerain lights) and when I did notice them I just thought 'oh, it looks like he has red eyes' and then just continued on loving and caring for him as I had always done!
aw lovely! Just make sure you handle them a lot! and mine runs round the house and just hops back in the cage to use the loo! :0)))) xx
Yes we got the cage etc today and pick the girls up tomorrow. They have been at the garden centre for a while we have visited them over several weeks/months. They only sell Females and have been their for a while so I'm hoping no little surprises :) they use a local breeder who came to see them today.

Luckily they have been handled quite a bit by the staff at the garden centre we had a cuddle today and they were very relaxed.

The cage is all set up ready for them, so excited now. I'm going to look at the c&c cages.

I'm hoping after they have settled they can go in the dogs room, do your dogs get on ok with the piggies? My dogs are used to the hens etc hoping they will enjoy watching each other.

I will post a pic when they have settled.

Thanks for your help

My little Edward has red eyes and he is very handsome why on earth would people not get a guinea pig just because of its eye colour?
Exciting! Hope you got your girls today, looking forward to hearing lots about them. I love pink eyed piggies
I think some dogs get on with pigs but I'd be really careful. Make sure the cage is always shut up tight when dogs about and remove the dogs from the room during free range time.
They are settling well but still hiding most of the time in their house, is this Normal? They are fine to handle and love a cuddle. The children are being very good every morning getting up to chop the veg up.
Congratulations on your new additions, you sound like a good, carrying home.Enjoy them
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