Pushy Youngster

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 20, 2014
Reaction score
BC, Canada
So my youngest (scootch) is a little over a year old. My oldest (Benji) is about 2. they have lived in the same cage for the a year and bonded.

lately Scootch is acting out, and going through the lovely boar dominince routine. Benji is being good and isnt inflicking pain but also isnt stepping down from his position..I'm worried Scootch is going to annoy Benji and Benji is going to lash out? Should i seperate or let them figure it out?
So my youngest (scootch) is a little over a year old. My oldest (Benji) is about 2. they have lived in the same cage for the a year and bonded.

lately Scootch is acting out, and going through the lovely boar dominince routine. Benji is being good and isnt inflicking pain but also isnt stepping down from his position..I'm worried Scootch is going to annoy Benji and Benji is going to lash out? Should i seperate or let them figure it out?

Please let them figure it out. it is often the case that teenage boars that have so far made it through the difficult months quietly sudden start to make up for lost time right at the end.
You may find this very detailed guide here helpful in working things out. Right now, things are nowhere near a boil-over by the sound of it. it may be some tense weeks, but their bond should hopefully survive.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Hi!you should just leave leave them,soon scootch will accept that benji Is bigger and if he doesent then benji will do it to him or just tell him off for annoying him!thry should b fine
Hi!you should just leave leave them,soon scootch will accept that benji Is bigger and if he doesent then benji will do it to him or just tell him off for annoying him!thry should b fine

Thank you! I'm so scared of Benji drawing blood uuugh!
Please let them figure it out. it is often the case that teenage boars that have so far made it through the difficult months quietly sudden start to make up for lost time right at the end.
You may find this very detailed guide here helpful in working things out. Right now, things are nowhere near a boil-over by the sound of it. it may be some tense weeks, but their bond should hopefully survive.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

thank you!
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